Yesterday Yung Mei Ling  was forced to reveal her birthday date due to  a pre-congratulation fan meeting.

 Kent Tong did not attend due to busy schedule. 

Yesterday, Yung Mei Ling celebrated her birthday with her fans. Her work didn’t end until midnight, and the celebration was at the disco Carnival after work. She said that she has never liked telling others her date of birth. "I didn’t say anything last year. Therefore, Kent Tong didn’t know either. But this year there was a fan meeting, so I had to disclose my birth date." She has not yet received a birthday gift from TVB, and Kent Tong has not disclosed yet what he is going to give. Her mother has sent a birthday gift from the UK, but she has not received it yet. "So far I have only received a shirt from my uncle. In order to accommodate all the fans, the birthday celebration party was held early yesterday. Because I have more than 200 fans, and I am afraid that they will not be taken care well if they all come. So, with every gathering just a part can attend. At my birthday yesterday, there were only a few dozen fans." 

Talking about birthday wishes she says: "Good career, happy work quick . I am easily satisfied".

 "What about marriage?" the reporter asked 

"The fortune teller said I will delay my marriage. . So, I never think about marriage issues.” 

Her boyfriend Kent Tong (湯鎮業) didn't attend the birthday party because he was filming "Faith Is Destined (信是有緣)" . She herself is now filming " United We Stand (生銹橋王)".

The fan club gave her a birthday cake. The birthday gifts given by individual fans were mostly decorations as photo frames and cuddly toys.


组影迷会后生辰日期被迫公开. 翁美玲昨举行预祝.






的。但今年有影迷会,只好将出生日期公开。她还未收到油就业所送的生日礼物,而亚汤亦没有透露过。其母亲已从英国寄来生日礼物,但她未收到。目前只收到舅父所送的一件恤衫。△今天是翁美玲生日 ,为迁就影迷,提早于昨天开生日庆祝会。由于翁美玲的影迷有二百多人,怕照顾不周 ,所以,每次聚会只是一部份,昨天出席生日会的影迷也只有数十位 。谈生日愿望。她说:「事业顺利,工作愉快 。我是我容易满足的」「结婚呢?」记者问「相士话我会迟婚的。所以,我都没有想过结婚问题。 」她的男友杨镇业为拍「信是有缘」,没有出席生日会。而她本人今天则要拍「生锈桥王」影迷会送了一个生日蛋糕给她,影迷个别送赠的生日礼物,多是一些摆设,如相架毛狗仔 之类。


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Gefeliciteerd met je 65e verjaardag 🎂 liefste Barbara ….
Ondanks je korte carrière blijf je voor mij de meest charismatische actrice ooit ….
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