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7 months ago
Hi Rob. Thank you for posting so many stories about Barbara and you. This is simply awesome! I hope your biography will be published soon. I wish you and your family all the best!
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7 months ago
Hi Anthony, thank you for your compliment and wishes, unfortunately the biography will take some time, several years probably .
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3 years ago
Hi Rob,
Thank you for making this website. I have been following Barbara's news since I was a little girl. Now I am 45 years old and living in the Netherlands. I am also looking forward to your book. In fact I was thinking that I might be able to translate it into Chinese. :)
The story you wrote about Barbara is beautiful. It is so good to know that someone in this world still thinks about her.
All the best,
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3 years ago
Hello Juliette,
Thank you for your compliment. And also thanks for offering to translate. But the book will take a long while to finish. Meanwhile I be publishing a (short) memory about Barbara soon. Maybe you can translate that for me.
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2 years ago
Thanks Rob for writing all these so that I could get to know Brabara from a different way. Since I have known about this website, once in a while, I would go through the website. Would love to assist in translating your short memory into Chinese when you published.

Thank you so much for creating this website! It's really magical to all those who love her. Thank you!
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3 years ago
It would be an honor to translate your memoir. Looking forward to it. Please drop me an email when you are ready!
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3 years ago
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someone from taiwan
3 years ago
I didn't know who Barbara Yung is until last week

then I search about Barbara Yung , watching youtube video

then I find this website

I can't believe someone make this website and still updating it after she died 35 years later

That's super amazing
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3 years ago
Dear Rob:

How about your book about Barbara?I am always look forwards to it.

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3 years ago
At the moment I have no time to write, it will take years before there will be a book :sad:
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3 years ago
Hi Rob, I really admire the time and effort that you devoted to this website, and I am so moved by the stories you shared. I could probably understand how Barbara felt, or why her personality had two sides: so lovely independent while also fragile, as I also grow up with single parent and moved to a different country. It is very sad that she passed away at such a young age, but she was so lucky to have someone like you who was so gentle and caring to her in her life. Wish you and your family all the best:)
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3 years ago
Thank you Maggie, it is always nice to know that some people understand Barbara's feelings.
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