19840507 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle01

Fans celebrated Yung Mei Ling’s 25th birthday. Yung Mei Ling hopes that everything in her career goes smoothly. Currently, she does not consider to get married.

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報 

Date: 1984年5月7日

Yesterday, fans held a birthday party for Yung Mei Ling.  Yung Mei Ling said that today was her actual birthday.  In order to organize a meeting with her fans, she arranged her birthday party yesterday.  As she is filming “United We Stand” today, she does not have time for her birthday party if it was held today.  Tong Chun Yip had to work so he was not present at her birthday party yesterday.

With regards to her birthday wishes, Yung Mei Ling hopes that everything in her career goes smoothly and she be happy with her work.  She said that at the moment she is easy to satisfy so she does not have any other wishes.  Yesterday morning, Tong Chun Yip needed to work till 10:00 p.m.   After that, they went to a disco have fun.  A journalist asked if Tong Chun Yip had bought her a birthday gift.  Yung Mei Ling said she had not yet received any gift from him so she does not know what it is.  Yung Mei Ling’s mother is in United Kingdom.  It is believed that her mother has posted her a birthday gift.  However, Yung Mei Ling has not yet received the gift so she does not know what the gift is.  Her uncle cares for her very much so the gift of her uncle had been sent earlier.  The gift is a T-shirt. 

Today is her 25th birthday.  However, she does not plan to get married. As such, Tong Chun Yip still needs to wait for marriage for about two or three years.

 (Thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)

19840507 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsPage


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