Interview published in the magazine Young Generation in 1984

"Yung Mei Ling quarrelled and argued with Tong Chun Yip about rumours.

The smooth sailing in her career put a lot of external pressure on her relationship."

Ever since she took on the role of Wong Yung, Yung Mei Ling's career has been incredibly smooth, making many others envious!

"Barbara, how do you feel about the less-than-kind looks people sometimes give you? Do you know how many people are envious of you?" I asked.

"I understand what you mean. Honestly, I did start faster than others. As soon as I entered the television industry, I was cast as the leading lady. Not only was it a major production, but I also played a very popular character. Many people have been in the industry for a long time, only to watch me get this prime opportunity with envy." Since "The Legend of the Condor Heroes," she has enjoyed the favor of TVB, with her career advancing rapidly—she's fully aware of her situation.

"After joining the television industry, how do you feel about this industry? What are your thoughts on acting?"

"It’s only been a year or two, so how could I have much to say? You’re too kind, and honestly, I don’t have much experience. But I don’t mind sharing. I’ve always felt that this industry is more realistic than any other, so realistic it might scare you. Today, you might be in the spotlight, but tomorrow, you could be trampled underfoot, leaving you gasping for air. Just thinking about it makes me break out in a sweat!" Her relaxed expression made it hard to believe such words came from her. She stuck out her tongue, genuinely looking a bit frightened.

"Don’t exaggerate so much, okay? Your description is terrifying!" I was a bit startled by her words.

"You don’t believe me? I say as much as I know, and I just have to get it out!" Even in real life, she’s just as endearing.

"A while ago, I wasn’t feeling quite right, but it was just a bout of moodiness. I’m actually all right! But the entertainment news loves to make a big deal out of nothing. If they see you not smiling for a moment, they’ll say you’re heartbroken or that your career is failing. I’ve grown numb to it." She had that insider’s tone, typical of someone familiar with the industry.

"Don’t be so down, okay? Tell me, if there’s anything bothering you, talking about it might help." I said.

"I have a simple personality, but I can be a bit emotional at times. It’s not that I see things negatively, I just see them realistically. I’m in my twenties now, not young anymore, so of course, I think about these things. In short, I just want to live happily today, but sometimes I’m conflicted, suddenly questioning who I am. Maybe I’m still searching for myself."

"Recently, some newspapers have mentioned that you seem unhappy. Are a lot of things troubling you?" I asked, concerned.

Her words reflected the innermost thoughts of many women. "The company often promotes the idea of energy, so where’s your energy?"

"Energy! That’s not an issue. I can have energy whenever I want!" She knew how to respond.

"Painting! Sometimes, when I’m feeling down at work, I’ll think about designing something, paint a picture or two. When I’m not satisfied, I can do something else. It’s a great way to relax." Her explanation immediately reminded me of her background, her former profession—advertising.

"If, in the future, the entertainment industry doesn’t work out for you, would you go back to advertising?" I asked.

"I haven’t really thought about that, but I think I’d rather use my savings to start a business. I haven’t decided what kind of business yet; it’ll depend on what’s popular at the time. That’s still far off—who knows what will happen tomorrow?"

As she started talking more enthusiastically, I seized the opportunity to ask, "How are things going with Kent recently? You know, a lot of people are paying attention to your relationship."

"To be honest, there’s nothing much to talk about between us. I have my work, and he’s very busy too. Our relationship has become rather ordinary, but the pressure from the outside world really troubles him. He often gets upset over a few sarcastic comments from others, and this has happened repeatedly. We’ve argued many times because I tried to comfort him, but I don’t want these small issues to drive us further apart."

The importance of love to a young woman was evident from Yung Mei Ling’s expression, and her worries were clearly visible in her eyes.

"Are you referring to pressure from work?"

"Of course, because everyone keeps comparing me to him, and he feels uncomfortable after hearing it too much. He’s very serious and cares about others’ opinions. He often says I’m lucky, but how can I explain that? He’s giving himself five more years; by then, he’ll only be thirty-one, still in his prime." She put down the mirror and continued.

"We haven’t even made it to the first step. I can’t promise anything right now. Our relationship still needs time, and I just hope the gossip doesn’t invade our lives anymore." Her words carried a deeper meaning.

"Do you have no confidence in this relationship?" I asked.

"Confidence? How many people succeed just by relying on confidence alone? I gave up that naive way of thinking long ago. I just hope to keep everything within my control." Who could say she isn’t mature?

"Sometimes, the changes in life are hard to predict. For example, the person you feel deeply connected with today might not be your partner tomorrow. The person you eventually walk down the aisle with might be someone you don’t even love. But by that time, you’re older, more experienced, and tired of searching, so marriage can’t guarantee anything." Perhaps she was hinting at some hidden concerns between her and Tong Chun Yip.

"Since the timing isn’t right for love, what about your career aspirations?" I wasn’t trying to avoid the difficult topic, just hoping to shift her focus away from her worries about love.

"I really long for the day I can appear on the big screen, to star in a representative, great movie!"

As she laughed, showing her childlike face, I asked, "Do you like children?"

"Yes, (without hesitation), I really love children. They’re so cute and innocent."

One day, Tong Chun Yip and Yung Mei Ling will settle down, their love will blossom, and they’ll have their own children. How wonderful that would be!


翁美玲为流言与汤镇业一 小吵大闹


由没黄蓉开始一直到现在,翁美 玲的星运都顺利得不得了,真羡煞了 不少旁人!



人是怎样的妒忌你吗?」我问。 「我明白你意思,诚然,我是比其他人起步快,一入电视圈便『担正』女主角,那不但是大制作而且还是演一个非常讨好的角色,有很多人干了很久,也只得眼巴巴的看我获得这块肥肉!」由「射雕」开始,她一直得到无线的宠幸,事业一日千里,她

岂会不知道自己的处境? 「加入了电视圈后,你对这个圈

?」 的感觉如何?对演戏的心得又怎样呢


「你不要那么夸张好吗?你的形容太恐怖了!」我也被她吓了一跳! 「你不信我吗?我知多少就说多少,我不吐不快呢!」现实中的她也是如此可爱的!


「前一阵子确实不大对劲,不也只是偶然的情绪病而已,其实我ALL RIGHT!不过娱乐新! 总喜欢小题大造的,见你不笑一会, 就说你失恋,又说你事业失败等等。 我已感麻木了。」好一副圈中人说圈中话的态度。

「不要这样灰好吗?告诉我,有 什么不开心说了出来会好得多。」我 说。


「最近看了某些报章都说你不大 MAYBE I AM STILL 高兴,有很多事困扰你吗?」我关心 SEARCHING FOR MYSELF。 」她的话代表了多少女

孩子的心底语。 「公司常常鼓吹活力,你的活力


「活力!不是问题,几时想有活 力都有!」多晓得讲说话!

「画画啦!有时候我工作情绪处于低潮时,我会想,好好的设计下, 画一两幅画,不满意的时候可以做点其他的事,是一个轻松自己的好办法。」她这解释即时令我联想起她的「 来历」,她的老本行一广告。


,会做同老本行广告吗?」我问。 「这个我没想过,不过我想我宁愿用储来的钱做点生意,不过做那行还未想过,看看到时流行些什么才算,我想这日子还远,谁知明天发生什么呢?」

趁着她开始谈得活起来!我不放 过机会问问她:

「最近跟阿KENT怎样呀?你 知你们的感情问题是多受注目的呢!




「你指的压力是事业方面吗?」 「当然的,因为人人都将我与他比,令他自己听得太多也觉得不舒服,而且他为人又认真,执着人家的评语,他时常说我运气好,我能怎样解释!他会再给自己五年时间,到时也只不过三十一岁,男人的英年。」她放下镜子继续说:

「我和他十划连一撤也没有,我 根本不敢承诺些什么,到底我俩之间 还需要时间,希望周围的是非不要再 侵入我们就好了。」话长意味更长。 「难道妳对这段情没信心?」我


多少人,单凭信心事情就成功?我已 「戒』了这种气很久。我只希望能把 一切掌握在手。」谁敢说她不成熟。

「有时世事的转变很难预测,例如今天跟自己情投意合的,明天未必是你的伴侣,到以后跟你一起入教堂的人,可能你根本不爱他,不过到时,年纪大了,经历也多,你已 TIRED OF SEARCHING, 所以婚姻并不能作为任何的保证。」莫不是她已暗示了她与汤镇业之间的隐忧。

「既然感情上「时机未到』,那 么你的工作抱负呢?」我不是知难而 退,只是想将她对感情的忧虑搬开。 「我好渴望有登上大银幕的一日 ,拍部代表作、好电影!」 随着她的笑声与她的孩子脸我问

「你喜欢小孩子吗?」 「喜欢(毫不犹豫),我很疼小 孩子的,他们可爱又天真。」

总有一天,汤镇业与翁美玲会安 定下来,情花结果,有自己的小孩子 ,那多好呢!


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