For a time, she hid the truth and denied it when asked.

Yung Mei Ling reveals her love affair and admits to falling in love with Kent Tong in March

Yung Mei Ling and her boyfriend Kent Tong wanted to stay a few more days and get together with friends here in Singapore, but they received a call from TVB, saying that they had to rush back to Hong Kong immediately after finishing the show, because of  the filming of the TV series The foundation.

Yung Mei Ling said: " Being ignored is painful, but being heavily relied upon is also unbearable. Life is really difficult. Sometimes I really want to go back to the UK and start my old job as a textile designer again."

I asked her what Kent Tong will do if she goes back to England?

She chuckled and said: "If he wants to be with me, of course he will follow me wherever I go."

In the past, Yung Mei Ling would never say such things. When reporters talked about Kent Tong, she would always say submissively: "It's okay, he and I are just ordinary friends. What else do you think?" "

However, now, she openly tell her friends: "Yes, just now I watched a movie with Kent and we went to a department store. What else do you want to know?

Judging from her current tone, Kent Tong and Yung Mei Ling are now a couple that can be made public.

She also told her friends that if she get married, she will definitely live with her husband in Britain because that is her home. In Hong Kong she always feel like she will lose her popularity one day. No wonder that to this day Yung Mei Ling still travels everywhere with a British passport. People are panicking about Hong Kong's entry into Hong Kong in 1997, but she doesn't care at all. It turned out that she has already made a plan. Whenthe situation in Hong Kong changes, she would immediately go to the UK and resume her old job in textile design!

To the Singaporean audience, Yung Mei Ling is not a very famous artist. However, in Hong Kong, she has become more and more popular and received more and more valued by TVB. She was assigned to star role of Huang Rong, for which the filming has already begun. Huang Rong is a main role in "The legend". Her status is very important as a TVB-liked character. Now she started to play in the TV-series "The man in the middle" and "The foundation", and the burden is that both main roles are recorded are at the same time. She is very busy.

She said: " The company values me highly and has given me many projects to act in. Even if it makes me extremely busy, it’s worth it!"

What a great person Yung Mei Ling is with such dedication and happy spirit.


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