To relax from the stressful life as a TV-star, Yung Mei Ling went on vacation to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore with her nominal sister a week ago. The vacation was wonderful, but she had a little scare when she at a disco in Singapore, where someone harassed her with a stack of banknotes... 

When I (the reporter) asked her about it, she said: 

'The best thing about this trip was being able to relax and enjoy myself for a few weeks without any worries.' 

'Where did you visit?' 

'This time, I went to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Initially, I planned to go to Thailand for the final leg of my trip, but I ended up staying in Singapore for several days and couldn't make it to Thailand. I can't stay abroad for too long, so I had to cancel the Thailand trip. Sigh, I was really looking forward to visiting Thailand to pray to the Four-Faced Buddha. Not being able to go has left me feeling quite unsettled!'

The Four-Faced Buddha is also a “God of Love”,  so I asked deliberately,

'Are you afraid of losing your boyfriend? Praying to the Four-Faced Buddha, hoping for a sweet and loving relationship?' 

'No, don't misunderstand me! I don't get that anxious. Last time I prayed, it was for my career to go smoothly, and I think I've been doing well, so I wanted to thank the gods. As for my other wishes, I'm sorry but I can't tell you, or they won't come true.'

 That's understandable, so I stopped pressing and changed the subject, asking, 

'Did anything interesting happen during your trip?' 

'Yes, yes, yes,' Yung said excitedly. 'When we were at a disco in Singapore, a man suddenly came over with 300 Singapore dollars and asked if I was Yung Mei Ling. He said he had bet with some friends that if I was really Yung Mei Ling, he would lose 300 dollars. So, I nodded and admitted it. He smiled and left, but came back later with another request: his friends bet that he wouldn't dare ask me to dance with him. I refused because they shouldn't make a joke out of me. Eventually, I signed an autograph for him to get rid of him.'

'Did he harass you?' 

'Not really, and I wasn't afraid because I had a large group of friends with me. Regardless of his intentions, I wasn't worried about this stranger.'

Talking about this trip, Yung said, 

'We stayed a day in Genting Highlands, then visited some places, and it so happened that Andy Lau and Felix Wong were performing there, so we went to watch their show. Being colleagues, we wouldn't have had time to meet in Hong Kong! Later, we went to Singapore and stayed at the Hilton Hotel, which has a big swimming pool. I didn't just lounge by the pool and sunbathe, I also went shopping. Clothes there are so cheap!' 

No wonder she returned with a tan and lost some weight. Seeing Yung Mei Ling slimmer and darker, I joked, 'Did you lose weight thinking about Tong?'

 'Of course I missed him since we hadn't seen each other for days, but it wasn't so bad that I lost weight from missing him.' 

'Did the rumors about a third party affect you? Did he explain?' 

'I never asked him, and he didn't bring it up to explain to me. He's smart and knows not to make a fuss over nothing.' 

'Sandra Ng said it was because you love mahjong and didn't have time to accompany Tong, so he went to the movies with her instead.' 

'Nonsense! I'm not a gambling addict! Okay, I'll quit gambling to stop these rumors.'I mean, to avoid misunderstandings.

Are you worried Tong might change?'

 'I can't predict the future, but currently, our relationship is stable. For these answers it's best if you ask him in person."

 Okay, since she asked me to ask Kent Tong,  I started to look for him and found him. 


I asked him directly: "Have you explained the rumors to Yung Mei Ling ? I like to hear your opinion." 

Kent Tong replied angrily: "We went to see a movie with a large group of people, and those reporters insisted that I and Sandra Ng were watching a movie together. “

Actually, he should understand. Don't look for another girlfriend, don't shoot excessive sex scenes, and Yung said that she won't play mahjong in the future. 

"I never objected to her playing mahjong. I often accompany her for fun. Playing mahjong is not the problem! The rumors are the problem” 

Did Yung Mei Ling agree with you to what extent the bed scene can be played?" 

"No. In short, it depends on the plot. I will judge whether to take the role or not. Let's learn! These rumors are not true, and I don't need to explain. Barbara (the foreign name given by Yung Mei Ling) should understand. “

"Why didn't you go on vacation with Yung Mei Ling this time? Kill two birds with one stone and protect your relation at the same time? 

“Recently I'm busy filming Hong Kong Moonlight Night and Bao Zhilin, so I couldn't accompany her on her holiday.”

"How is your relationship with Yung Mei Ling going? Tell me frankly, okay?" 

"Not bad! Our relationship is generally stable." 

"I heard that you have a very daring performance in the new film. Aren't you afraid that Yung Mei Ling will be upset? "

“That's just publicity. Although there was a bed scene, It was very subtle.”

"Yung said that the most difficult thing to accept is your silence, it is like a cold war."

“I know, but this is my personality, when I am with her, it's not that I don't want to talk, sometimes I really have nothing to say. As for her ladylike temper, I have accepted it all. To be honest, I think she has become much more mature now, and more adorable!" 

"That means you are determined to stay with her! 

‘I dare not predict the future, but for now we are doing well! 

'If a co-star pursued you aggressively, would you be tempted?'

'If I had such luck, I'd be overwhelmed. Dealing with one girl is enough!' 

"This is Kent Tong's confession,  Yung Mei Ling are you satisfied?”





赴,笔者一时间伐署,问 同看说:「此行最大的收获是让自已松无牵无挂的玩了个把星期。 」「到过些什么地方?」「今次,我去了吉隆坡和 新架放两地方。本来我打算最 后一站到泰国,可是,显巧我 在 新业逗留几大飞 国,

而且我不能在外就这么久, 纸好泰国之行。唉,其实我一心一意要到泰国她拜的是四面佛),去不成泰国 ,不知怎的,现在我的心好不服啊!」

(遭人利用签名甩身侧开「四面佛」也是个「爱神」,于是笔者问:「是不是伯 男朋友被人走? 向四面佛许个

愿,希望俩口子甜甜蜜蜜,恩爱到底!」我故意提侠。不,不要冤斥我啊!我才不那么紧张。上次,我拜神是希望事业顺境,如台,我也觉得自己发展得不错,所以,便去答谢神恩。至于我许些什么顾,恕我不能告诉妳,不然会不灵。」这也是的,笔者再「八」,也不好意思再问,变了另湿话题,间:「整个行程上有什么有趣的事情发生没有? 」「有有有。」阿翁兴奋的说:「当我们在新筑坡一间的士高时,突然有一个男人拿着三百元新架坡纸走过来问我是不是霸美冷,他说和几位朋友打赌,如我确是翁美玲,他就会显得三百元。于是,我点头承认了。他一笑走开,其后又截同来,说他果

的朋友再跟他赌,叫他跟我共舞从者起来完一个网。我不言,因 为他们不应该再利用我来开玩笑 ,最后我为他签了名才甩身。 」偷得浮生数日间 远舍爱侣逍遥游「当时,他有调戏好吗?」「这个倒没有,同时我也不怕他们,因为当时我有一大班朋友陪着我。不管他存心如何,我也不怕这陌生。」 谈及这一次旅程,同翁说: 「这一次我们在云顶住了一天,


原来那儿的成衣都好便宜!」怪不得何霸此行,带回一身健康肤色及瘦了机器。订署又瘦又黑的翁美玲,好一会,我笑道:「是不是想起同汤,也瘦了自己?」「大家不见面多天,当然会挂念着他,但,不致夸张到因想他面瘦了机器。」「你们可有受那第三者介入的传闻影响?他有解释吗?」 「我从来没有问他,他也没有挑起那些传闻向我刻意解释, 他很聪明,他知道比地无银三百而的道理。」「听吴君如说,是因为你爱

购,没有时间 诺阿汤,地才应承 眼阿汤去看电影解认。 」 「去妳的!我才不是那些嗜赌如命的人,竟然给人说成我是 个烂猪二。好,我马上戒赌,免 得人家乱讲话。 」「我是说免得给别人乘处面 入才贺!对了,你担心阿汤会变吗?」「心是他的,我怎能知他会 不会变心?这些,最好,妳亲自问问他。」好,然经叫我随阿汤,笔

者便把矛头 指向河汤,找着阿汤 ,我直接了当的问:「你有没有 向阿翁解释一下你的脚闻?要 你表态啊。」笔者观传圣旨。 阿边气急败坏的说:「我们 一大班人去看电影,那些记者就 硬说我与吴君如两人一起看电影 *可能他们不认识训练班的新局

Γ「其实,你们应该有个默契 。你不找女朋友,不拍过份的性 爱戏,阿翁说以后也不打麻雀。J

「为什么今次不陪阿翁一起 去渡假?一石二鸟,顺便护宪?۲۰那是剧情需要。 」「阿翁有没有跟你协议,演 床上戏纸能到什么程度?」「没有。总之,视乎剧情需要,一切由我自己衡量应否接拍学吧!这些传闻不是事实,我又不必解释,巴巴拉(翁美给洋名 )是应该明白的。 」「最近我忙于拍香江花月夜 及宝芝林,所以才没有陪他去屋「你与阿翁的感情进展得如何?坦白告诉我好不好?」「还不错!我们的感情大致算得上稳定。」「听开你在一课新片有极豪放的表演,你不怕阿翁生你的气「那纯属宣传,虽然我有一场是床上戏,但,纸是点到即止I「我从来没有反对她打麻雀 ,我也常陪她一起娱乐一下,打麻雀不算过份吧!纸是外传太过「阿翁说最难接受你的沉默 寡言,这是冷战,德说顶你码顺「我知道,但,这是我的性格啊,我与她一起时,并不是不想说话,有时的确没有话说。至于她的小姐脾气,我已经照单全收,说老实,我觉得地现在已成熟许多,而且更可爱!」「这即是说,你爱定了她!「我不敢预言未来,不过,目前大家的感情仍很好!」「譬如,有一位跟你做对手戏的女演员,她的条件也不错,却向你猛烈追求,你可会心动呢「要是我太好艳福的话,我岂不忙死,应付一个女孩子已够 忙了!」这是阿汤的表白,阿翁*你满意没有?


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