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This interview was come from TVB programme called  "Be My Guest"  Episode 133. This Episode was released on 25 July 2009. They dined in Da Da Bar & Lounge. 


陳志雲: 其實大家記得湯鎮業就會記得佢同翁美玲拍拖嘅時候,其實佢哋發生咗咩事呢?

Stephen Chan: As long as you remember Tong Chun Yip (“Ah Tong”), you will remember Yung Mei Ling (“Ah Yung”) who fell in love with him.  So, what’s happened between them?

黃日華:  嗌交啦, 啫喺果時果陣大家可能比較細,咁可能果時阿湯又比較花弗啦, 咁做女仔嘅都希望個男朋友比較專一D, 成日响佢身邊呀, 即可能呢方面比較衝突大D。

Felix Wong: Quarrel! At that time, they both were young and Ah Tong may be quite flirtatious .  And a girl hopes her boyfriend is rather focussed on her and stay with her all the time.  This expectation might cause a conflict between each other.

陳志雲: 你同呀翁拍擋應該就喺射鵰英雄傳, 佢做黃蓉啦! 當時佢應該喺第2部劇嘅演出, 你覺得阿翁第2部嘅演出演成點呀?

Stephen Chan: In “Legend of the Condor Heroes Series” , you were Ah Yung’s partner.  She acted as Huang Rong.  At that time, this TV series was the second TV series that she participated in.  How was Ah Yung performance?

黃日華: 我覺得佢好好喎,初初就唔喺咁突出,但經過監製呀,所有嘅前輩响度教佢,同埋佢個人喺現實生活裡面呢,佢嘅人際關喺搞得非常之好嘅,又聰明,所以D人一教佢,佢就明晒, 做得好好!

Felix Wong: I found her performance was good.  At the beginning, her performance was not so outstanding.   However, the production director and all the superiors taught to her.  Besides, in the modern life, how she dealt with the interpersonal relationship was extremely good.  Moreover, Clever!  When someone taught to her, she understood at once.  She did her very best!

陳志雲: 勤力!

Stephen Chan: Diligent!

黃日華: 勤力、肯搏!

Felix Wong: Diligent!  She tried her best!

陳志雲: 你知唔知道佢會選擇咁樣了結自己生命? 有無跡象?

Stephen Chan: Do you think she choose this way to end her life?  Any signal?

黃日華: 我都嚇咗一跳,啫喺果陣時我啱啱放假,就响馬來西亞做完TVBI果D宣傳就放幾日假响度玩下啦,突然間公司D人打電話比我,「喂! 你快D返嚟,唔好放假!」我話: 「咩事呀?」「阿翁自殺死咗返嚟扶靈。」我話: 「喂! 你講笑呀嘛,我依家放緊假嗰喎,你唔好咁樣要補足我嘅假期。」佢話: 「喺真!」我都嚇咗一跳, 我都唔相信。

Felix Wong: Also, I was really shocked.  At that time, I was in Malaysia.  I had just finished some TVB promotion jobs and had taken a few days off to rest there.  Suddenly, someone from TVB called me and said: “Hey! You have to return Hong Kong quickly, don’t take a leave!”.  I said: “What’s the matter?”.  He said “Ah Yung committed suicide and you will act as pallbearer.”  I said: “Hey! Are you kidding?  I am on holiday.  You can’t do this like that and you have to add back my holiday.”  He said: “It is real!”  It came to me as great shock, I couldn’t believe it.

陳志雲: 完全之前無任何跡象?

Stephen Chan: No signal at all before?

黃日華: 啫喺我睇佢性格,唔會咁樣做人嚟嗰喎! 佢一定唔會揀呢嗰方式去了結自己生命㗎嘛,我覺得佢喺一個好開朗呀,同埋好吃得開嘅女仔㗎嘛,呢D感情嘅嘢小事啫,但點知都過唔到呢關!

Felix Wong:  Refer to her character, she would not do this like that!  She shouldn’t choose this way to end her life!  I felt she was optimistic and they were friendly to each other.  A love relation is just a minor thing!  But, she really couldn’t jump over this hurdle (difficulty).

陳志雲: 咁對呀湯影响會唔會特別大?

Stephen Chan: To Ah Tong, is a big impact on him?

黃日華: 非常大, 啫喺可能佢到今時今日就呢件事而影响咗佢一生嘅演藝事業啦!  啫喺呢件事發生咗之後,咁就成為所謂嘅千夫所指啦,又話佢唔啱呀,咁害死一個好女仔呀! 突然喺由最高峯跌到落谷底,仲要低嘅地方,無晒事業呀! 停晒所有嘢呀,又唔知走咗去邊度避一避呀, 咁一路對佢事業喺最大影响。

Felix Wong: Enormous!  this case affected his acting career till now.  After this case, he is facing so-called a thousand accusing finger and is blamed by everyone that he caused a good girl’s death!  Suddenly, from the top of mountain he fell down to the deeper valley.  No career prospects!  Stopped all the things!  And, he didn’t know where he should go to conceal!  It had a huge influence over his career.

陳志雲: 當時你作為佢嘅朋友, 點樣幫過湯鎮業?

Stephen Chan: At that time, you as his friend, how did you help Tong Chun Yip?

黃日華: 我都搵唔到佢!

Felix Wong:  I also couldn’t find him!

陳志雲: 佢直接匿埋左?

Stephen Chan: Was he hidden directly?

黃日華: 匿埋咗,啫喺又唔敢出嚟見人呀!

Felix Wong: completely hidden, and he wouldn’t dare to face people!

陳志雲: 即喺佢唔敢出來見人,過咗幾耐至出返嚟見人?

Stephen Chan: That means he doesn’t dare to face people and how long did he hide before he faced people again?

黃日華: 都無漆呀响香港,咁呀去咗內地發展。

Felix Wong: No, he does not in Hong Kong and he went to Mainland to develop his career.


陳志雲: 呢件事對你自己有冇D教訓呢?

Stephen Chan:  Did you learn anything from this case?

黃日華: 唔好嗌交, 唔好同身邊自己嘅人嗌交,但好難做到嘅! 嘈吵實會有。

Felix Wong: Don’t have a quarrel!  Don’t have a quarrel with your partner!  But, it is hard not to!  Having a quarrel does occur.

陳志雲: 可能喺情趣嚟呢嘅! 有小小。

Stephen Chan: It might increase the pleasures of life.  A little bit!

黃日華: 無錯! 因為你經歷過一D挫折呀, 就會感情比較穩固D呀! 進步D囉!

Felix Wong:  That’s right! After you experienced a setback, your relationship will become solid!  It will improve!


The video published is not the completed interview.  In the first part of the interview, Felix Wong made many comments on Kent Tong such as he had many girlfriends.  Even though he is married, he has three illegitimate children.  Felix Wong was not sure whether his second marriage took place after his separation with his first wife. 

 (thanks to Kitty for the translation and finding additional information about this interview).

This information about  "Be My Guest" was found on 志雲飯局 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Source video: https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4840556910611187


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