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2 months ago
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12 years ago
Hello Rob,

thank you for sharing so beautiful photos with all fans!

I remember 美玲 forever! She live in my heart forever!

God bless her forever!
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13 years ago
tks for ur stories,very very great!!(I just copy all to my PC :D )
My mood swing myriad after read ur stories!
Just one Q:If “rmmm1959” means remember my 1959?
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Barbara Fan
13 years ago
I love Yung Mei Ling, I still watch her movies every night especially when I can't sleep! :)
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

Belsize park station is in red color , it is funny that i use google earth map function to walk from the station to barbara 37 Belsize Avenue , thats the routine barbara walk thousand times... haha i think all the barbara fans try it , u will have special feeling with it ... haha
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
Peter, please DO NOT ASK Rob to create a weblink for this so called GAME. This is a website where Barbara fans come to hang around and read about her past romance.
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

it is funny that i use google earth map to find out the house 37 Belsize Avenue where barbara live in london city for 3 half years ,it near the underground , it is for rent nowadays , it is the same pic as u post on the " going to london article " , because this map can show 3 D real picture , so that i can go onto the street , go forward and backwars as i want to , watch the house and all the scene for 360 degree directly ,walk around , amazing and funny ,u can feel the environment all round that barara live there .... haha , but i prefer live in lesisure square or places around china town... cos it seems thatit is boring places there thats why barbara dislike , feel boring and lonely and take sleep pills .........
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

i can see that barbara and rob love each other very much and enjoy the time very much ......... i found that rob care barbara ,
but i found that barbara is a girl of strong possessive character in love , right ? rob do u agree ? she is very sensitive with this situation for any female close to you ?
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

please make one webpage , topic weblink on the Main Menu such as " rob ask question " or " rob wanna know " , the whole pages for rob to ask us all question and things about barbara , and we will answer to rob by posting , then it become more interactive between us , right , rob ?
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
Peter. Rob has aded a TOPIC on the Menu bar. Question 1 has already been posted on "Question about Barbara's Life In Hong Kong".
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13 years ago
yes , thats great , thanks
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13 years ago
article link as below

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13 years ago
does the google translation work fine or good for u ? tell me...
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13 years ago
hi rob , great great news to all fans as well

well , i found below google article translation website , it is very powerful easy - use tool which can tranlsate chinese character to english , english to chinese character , and to many different coutnry character as well , so just copy the original article and paste it into the lelf box , on the ( from ) click the ( detected language ) to choose the correct character of your original , , on ( to ) choose the character
u want to translate into , last , click the ( Translate ) button .......... amazing that the result show on the right side , hahaahaaa i found the accuracy of translation is good and high .....
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
Peter, what is the link for the tranalation site.

I've tried few of the other programmes and the end result the English grammer was horrible. Have to rearrange the sentences.
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13 years ago
as below try it

english google for english interface


chinese google for chinese interface

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13 years ago
hi , rob and mei ling fan around the world , now , i think it is really a big news for yours today so that u can translate and read all barbara articles , news and events in your character of your country on internet nowadays hahahaa , wonderful day today

english google for english interface


chinese google for chinese interface

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13 years ago
hi rob ,

below chinese article web link telling all the events happening between barbara and ken till sucicide ..........









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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
Peter, I think it is better to follow the upcoming chapters here.

Barbara's life is like matching a 5000 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We fans know about Barbara as an actress so therefore we have match the 4 corners of the puzzles.

Rob's stories here are the middle part of the puzzels and it is now in the process of matching into a BEAUTIFUL picture.
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13 years ago
hi mei ling fan ,

i do agree with it , then we can know the whole life whole picture of barbara at the end
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13 years ago
below link is the article ( in the lowerest part of the page ) of tvb director fung mei kei talking about barbara events before sucicide ....


ken and barbara have new film in tvb ( in fact their relatinship so worst ) ,on the first day mei kei see barbara face look pale , not look good , hold by ken , barbara tell mei kei that she feel bad in stomach and have headache , in fact she have sucicided by taking sleep tablet again as the first time in england , i think she tell ken the same way so ken didnot know she take tablets sucicide , what i know that barbara blame herself so stupid to do this , so she ask her friends's doctor teaching how to clean her stomach by phone , she save her lives this time and regret to do it ........
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
I did recall in one of Felix Wong interview and whenever Legend of the Condor Heroes is mentioned, Barbara's was mentioned too. Felix said that friends did call him (he was in Malaysia that time for a promotion) that Barbara attempted sucide again. Felix thought that this is another joke pulled by his colleques regarding Barbara suicide.

Unfortunately, this one was real. Barbara left us. :sad:
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13 years ago
this is video of tseung ming ming tell that barbara phone call to her on that night , want to talk about her trouble with ken , but ming ming used to sleep not over 12 midnight , so ming ming said to her it is ok no probem , it will be ok tomorrw , in fact ming ming will talk with her tomorrow , but never talk with her anymore cos barbara sucicide....

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13 years ago

especially her mother always see her back and talk with her in dream .....
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
I know there are many articles here. If there are people helping to translate it's even better.
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13 years ago
hi mei ling fan ,

nice to meet u here ,where from ? are u chinese ? can u talk chinese and speak cantonese ?
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13 years ago
can u read chinese article ?
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
I'm from Malaysia, can speak and understand cantonese, I'm Chinese. Can't read Chinese character that well (only studied the language for 3 years in school).

By the way, you could email Rob on those translations so he could post it at this website. You just need to tell him what it is.
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

i know that u didnot know anything of barbara happening in hong kong from 1981 to 1985 , right ? i think u really want to know them all , so i suggest u that set up a page of guestbook as this one for which u can ask us mainly ( public and chinese community ) for any question or any thing of barbara in hong kong that u want to know ......... , i think there are lot of people pleased to tell u and answer u , including barbara fans around the world , it become more interactive between us ..... what do think , rob ?
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13 years ago
Good idea Peter, I made a new page where I and others can place questions. To see if it works I placed the first question.
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

please make this topic weblink on the Main Menu for this topics ...... thanks
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
Rob, I agree with Peter's suggestion. You could consider having "Barbara's life in Hong Kong from 1982-1985" question post.
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13 years ago
barbara yung memory video

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13 years ago
Thank you, Rob, for telling us her stories and posting her pictures. She will live in our memories forever.
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

i found the internet that which show barbara 6 staion road cambridge (
Histon Village Fryer ) old living house pics inside in recent

inside area are big , i think it change different owner in below two link...... how do u think ?

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13 years ago
The picture on this page is a general picture not of Histon. I am going to Cambridge in June. I will see if I can make some pictures from the inside.
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13 years ago
My sister and I were small when Barbara dies, we liked her very much. we love to all her tv series and commercials. thank you very much for sharing your memories so we can get to know more about her even after so many years.....my sister bought Barbara's memory book after she died. full of photos of her....
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13 years ago
Rob, may i ask you a question? If Barbara is still alive today, what would you say to her as you meet her again when you know that she is an actress?
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

do u remember the exact date u break up with barbara ? is it before she get back to hong kong for beauty contest ? so after she get back to hong kong , she had never contact with u anymore until she died in hong kong , or u contact her but no response? so u know nothing about her death and everything happening of her in hong kong ?
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13 years ago
your website are so great

we do really want to know the reality of barbara ,character of barbara and all the truth behind that pretty and happy face of Barbara .....
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13 years ago
Rob: I forgot to mention that if u had "A FEW MILLION US $dollars" - your own personal wealth" at that time >> disposable for Barbara's mom, she might have a more favorable opinion towards u.
>> Her mom was looking for financial security for her daughter and herself.
>> At that time you were a young student, did not have a established well paid career job yet.
>> MONEY talks.
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13 years ago
After reading the stories, I think these factors play a part in straining the relationship:
a) Barbara's family lack of understanding that foreigners are capable of serious enduring love too. In those days, Chinese like to call Caucasians "GUAI LO" - means devils.
b) Barbara's emotional instability.
c) Barbara's hot temper.
d) All the waiting & waiting for hrs.
e) Cultural differences.
f) Both of u were very young.
Both Rob & Barb tried very hard but stress & environment can also dent a relationship.
Rob, if you ended up marrying Barbara, you would have a lot to deal with on a daily basis.
a) Her mom & Uncle b) Barbara's emotionally instability.
Barbara tried to serve 2 masters - make both mom & Rob happy but her mom will never accept Rob. NO man can serve 2 conflicting masters.
ROB, may be you are better off now with your life partner and lovely 3 kids.
Barbara romance with you - are wonderful precious memories.
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13 years ago
Yes, times ARE different from what they were back then. Many people did not agree to help because of their lack of understanding the seriousness. Many only knew of it as a personal issue to dealt with only within the family. Having a professional outside of the family would have been too much of an exposure. It just was not common to accept that kind of outside help.
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13 years ago
yes , i agree hannah , epsecailly barbara yung become a TV star in hong kong at that time , pressure will become biggest than before ......... than a common person ......... i think she should ask her mother and uncle for help...
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Mei Ling Fan
13 years ago
Becoming a celebrity makes her more depressed. If you guys listen to her radio interview at barbarayung.net there is a part where she said that pressure of acting well, doing it right and getting into a role, 'news' from the paparazzi does take it's toll. She did mentioned a bit of her life in England.

Do hope that one day we get to read the translated version of the radio interview transcript. I understand Cantonese but can't really read much of the Chinese character. ;-)
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13 years ago
Rob, I didn't feel that she had a mental disorder but was a normal person to me. Depression is normal but severe depression is serious beyond ourselves. It doesn't mean it is mental disorder.

I guess her severe trauma caused her to develop serious depression. As a result, she developed suicidal tendencies.
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13 years ago
You misunderstood my answer. With the mental disorder I meant that is what others would have thought if Barbara was given profession help. By the way Barbara was offered help, but she refused it herself.
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

i read your stories , she have two time sucicide by taking sleeping tablet , right in u five years loving period ? i think she have some depression and emotion illness after she have moved in UK but no one pay attention to it of her fist time sucicide , including her mother and family , i think if her mother and unlce take her for mental specailist by mental and mecidal help seriously , her illness can be improved and cured ........ do u agree ?
and she will know how to choose the right way to solve her own problems..........
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13 years ago
I do agree, but don't judge as the situation was very different from nowadays. At that time the reputation of the family was very important. Admitting that you had a daughter who had a mental disorder would have ruined the reputation.
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13 years ago
hi rob ,

i do agree with it , reputation of the family was very important in the past , especially in chinese society , they are very sensitive to any mental disorder and illness , u said "Barbara was offered help, but she refused it herself " , is it real ? or refused by her mother and uncle ? .........
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13 years ago
Rob, I forgot to ask a very important moment of history question. Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married in 1981 so i wonder if you and BY witnessed their grand wedding in London? If yes, what did BY say? Or you two broke up before Princess Diana's grand wedding?
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13 years ago
We did not witness their wedding and we never talked about it. We were both not really interested in the royal family.
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13 years ago
Rob, From the latest updates, 生日聚會 (1999-11-30) got wrong date and year. :)

Pls rectify it.

I wonder how she looked like when she is 50 yrs old. Maybe she stay beautiful as usual?
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13 years ago
what is u feeling ?

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13 years ago
No wonder, i misread the words spelt as "love story in the news internet" together. As a result, i don't see the word - internet. U should type Internet, not internet, look at letter caps.
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13 years ago
Hi Mei Ling Fan, U got me wrong. Where did Rob put the topic in his website? Stories or pictures? But this topic is not linked in his website although it is still here. I think Rob forgot to link it to which category here.
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13 years ago
On the main menu, chose internet (last option)
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13 years ago
Hey Rob, which category does the link of Barbara's childhood photo belong to? Can't find it.
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13 years ago
The role that made Barbara a household name was LOCH as Huang Rong. The irony is in the show Huang Rong discourages another female character, Hua Zheng, from commiting suicide for fear of losing a love interest (to Huang Rong), Guo Jing. Huang Rong said to an extend that Hua Zheng should be more positive and life is precious. It's not worth losing one's life for. It was great advice; in this case life didn't imitate art.
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13 years ago
I love the new photos. Always such a beautiful sadness to see them. Still hard to imagine that we can look upon her face in all these photos, but she is no longer with us. Indeed the legacy she left behind are both inspirational and captive, but I am still unable to shake the side of me that will always feels a little sunken despite all the goodness.
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13 years ago
I can give it a try to translate the stories into simplified Chinese.
How will this work?
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13 years ago
That would be really nice. Just send the translation to my mailadres (rmmmm1959@hotmail.com) and I publish it on the website. Many Chinese reading fans will be grateful (about 25% of the visitors of this site read the Chinese translations)
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Tran W.
13 years ago
Hi Rob. U ARE SMART. How do u know what countries of each guests?
Is it because of their computer IP ADDRESS?
>> Please share your knowledge.
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13 years ago
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Tran W.
13 years ago
When you are done telling stories about Barbara, please tell us more about yourself.
1. During your break with Barbara, how did u cope and how do you spend time alone without her.
2. How soon did you date another girl after the break.
3. After the 1st break, did you all try to get back together.
4. Is it just ONE break and never contact each other again?
5. Did Barbara cry duing your last meeting with her?
6. Did she try to suicide again after you all broke up?
>> I am dying of curiosity. Also dying to know more about u,your life, what u do nowadays.
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13 years ago
I think I am going to make you happy. In the stories to come all your questions will be answered.
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13 years ago
I added 10 more pictures to the picture gallery
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Ann Hee
13 years ago
It is not easy to gather all the fans together. ha ha...... :-*
Barbara dances very well in the video. Is her dancing skill taught by Rob(you)??
I still watch Michael Miu latest tv series in my country. He maintains young and is married so many years with 1 boy n 1 girl.
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13 years ago
Hi all, I would like to propose a good idea to meet one another together in England in 2012 if possible to pay last respects to BY and make a tour where BY studied and travelled... :D
At the same time to meet Rob and his family...what do you think?

Only a suggestion.
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lois li
13 years ago
you probably mean it was a wrong decision to get engaged.
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lois li
13 years ago
"No ifs, looking back now I think we both made just one wrong decision. But at the time we had no choice. The stories will tell."
ROB,I don't quite understand what you mean. you mean you had been kind of forced by Barbara to get engaged to her? you got engaged to Barbara just because you didn't want to let her down? The decision of the engagement was not of your own will? you said both you and Barbara made a mistake? what mistake? getting engaged was a mistake or breaking up was a mistake? what you said is quite confusing. Could you explain it further more?
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13 years ago
You will understand when I publish our breaking up stories. It has nothing to do with the engagement.
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lois li
13 years ago
ROB,Did you ever quarrel when you were together? whose temper is better,you or Barbara? If you quarreled,who would be the first one to speak to the other one?
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13 years ago
No we did not quarrel, Barbara was the one with a temper, I am very easy going.
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Barbara Fan
13 years ago
Hi Rob

Can I ask u a question. Did Barbara tell u why she and her family decide to move to england from HK when she was 15. It must of been hard for her to move during that she was half way through high school, leaving her friends behind and moving to a country where there aren't too many Chinese people.

And does it bring u in tears or u get emotional when writing these story's and looking at these old pictures of Barbara and u.

How long did it take u to recover for the break up.

sorry for this off topic question but I would like to know the difference in the society and lifestyle during the 70's compare to today. (I love to know more about the 1970's era as I was born in very late 70's). And the clothing and hairstyle of the 70's are real cool and funny. :-)
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13 years ago
Barbara's mother married a Chinese cook who lived in England, that's why they moved to England. Barbara told me that is was a difficult time for her, leaving all her friends behind.
No I don't get emotional writing the stories, we had a great time together but I have move on since then.
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13 years ago
Happy New Year ! Rob
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13 years ago
Rob, U are a good man. U are so good to Barbara. Thanks for all the precious time that you spent on bringing Barbara "alive".
>> Have a wonderful Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to your family.
>> Also best of health to your loving parents. You have such a supportive/loving family. (big contrast to Barbara's)
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13 years ago
I am starting my Christmas holiday now. Therefore I won't be publishing any more stories this year. Next year I will continue this love story. Some parts will be happy and I am afraid some are very sad.

I found some more pictures of Barbara which are being digitalized now. I will publish them in 2011.

If some of you have some spare time, I could need some extra help with the translations. They are getting behind as Zhi has other things on his mind now. About 25% of the visitors read the translated stories, I think they are very grateful if the translations will continue. They don’t have to be perfect.

I wish everybody the Christmas they are hoping for and a peaceful and happy beginning of 2011.

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13 years ago
Merry X'mas Rob. May you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

So no one is translating now? I may help when I get a chance.
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yesterday bj
13 years ago
this website is very good.
Thank you ,Rob!
I come from Beijing,China.
I am barbara's Fans,
Thank you...
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13 years ago
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13 years ago

Quoting fan:

Quoting fan:
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13 years ago
Yes please translate! Thanks so much...
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
Hong Kong radio station. barbara's interview
show time: 1985/3/14
Hong Kong radio station number 2. barbara's interview.
1985 Hong Kong Commerce channel 1. radio station show>
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13 years ago
Hi Zhi,

Thank you so much. :D

Quoting zhi:
Hong Kong radio station. barbara's interview
show time: 1985/3/14
Hong Kong radio station number 2. barbara's interview.
1985 Hong Kong Commerce channel 1. radio station show>

Quoting zhi:
Hong Kong radio station. barbara's interview
show time: 1985/3/14
Hong Kong radio station number 2. barbara's interview.
1985 Hong Kong Commerce channel 1. radio station show>
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13 years ago
Hi Zhi and Mr Chan Chi Chung,

Would you please translate the following transcriptions of Barbara's interviews into English for those who do not read Chinese?

Your kind assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you very much.

(Broadcast on Channel 2 of the Radio Television of HK (RTHK) on 14th March, 1985)


(A re-cap and summary of the above interview.
Baroadcat on Channel 2 of RTHK in 2001.)



(Live interview with phone-in calls from the audience.
Broadcast on Channel 1 of Commercial Radio of Hong Kong on 5th May, 1985)

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Christina L.
13 years ago
Hi, Can someone translate Barbara's letter from Chinese to English. I do not read Chinese at all. Please help. THANKS IN ADVANCE
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13 years ago
Hi Zhi and Mr Chan Chi Chung,

Would you please translate the following articles into English so that Rob can have a better understanding of Barbara's life in Hong Kong?

My heartfelt thanks.







to be continued...
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13 years ago
Thanks so much Rob for updating your stories. Love them and I enjoy reading them over and over again! There are so many small details that I personally can relate to ( ex. Barbara giving you money first and telling you to pay the restaurant owner for her birthday party ). Those are well thought of plans from a girl who is in love and constantly fighting the odds (from her family) to maintain what she wants. Its a lot of work.
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13 years ago
To win Miss Hongkong Title, the girl usually has to be at least 5ft 4 inch tall. I think Barbara is only about 5ft 2 inch, she is petite.
>> Beauty pageants are usually tall, not petite.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

It is written in the internet articles that Barbara said to her uncle (Mr Roderic Chan) more than once that it was an unforgettable defeat to Barbara (referring to the fact that Barbara got only the 8th place in the 1982 Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant) and that she had never been defeated before.

Is it true that Barbara had never been defeated in her life before?

Grateful for your answer, please. Thank you.
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13 years ago
Hi Zhi and Mr Chan Chi Chung,

Would you please translate the following article into English so that Rob can tell us whether the journalist just made the story up?

Thanks a lot.


Quoting Lilly:
Hi Rob,

It is written in the internet articles that Barbara said to her uncle (Mr Roderic Chan) more than once that it was an unforgettable defeat to Barbara (referring to the fact that Barbara got only the 8th place in the 1982 Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant) and that she had never been defeated before.

Is it true that Barbara had never been defeated in her life before?

Grateful for your answer, please. Thank you.
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13 years ago
Hi Zhi and Mr Chan Chi Chung,

Would you please translate the following article into English so that Rob can have a better understanding of Barbara's life in Hong Kong? Thanks a lot.



Quoting Lilly:
Hi Rob,

It is written in the internet articles that Barbara said to her uncle (Mr Roderic Chan) more than once that it was an unforgettable defeat to Barbara (referring to the fact that Barbara got only the 8th place in the 1982 Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant) and that she had never been defeated before.

Is it true that Barbara had never been defeated in her life before?

Grateful for your answer, please. Thank you.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

It is also written in an interview with Barbara's mom one year after Barbara's death that Barbara was a promising textile designer. Barbara's mom showed an apron designed by Barbara which had been sold to Harrods and there would be more to come. She commented that one day Barbara would be a famous textile designer but she just couldn't wait. She further commented that Barbara always wanted to excel and to be outstanding. She never wanted Barbara joined the Miss China Town Beauty Pageant in London in 1980 but Barbara simply didn't listen to her advice. Barbara didn't tell her that she had joined the Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant in 1982 until she was admitted to the 15 finalists. She exclaimed that how good it would would have been if Barbara had stayed in England, getting married and having children.

Is the above the truth?

Grateful for your answer, please. Thanks.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

Thank you for telling us the truth about why Barbara went to Hong Kong.

It was because of the fact that I found there were discripancies in what were written in the internet articles and the stories in this website that I post my previous question to find out the truth.

Thank you once again.
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13 years ago
Barbara online clips -She is pettite, seem happy, never realize that she has such turmoil & pressures in her life.
>> http://6.cn/watch/8951008.html
>> http://6.cn/watch/4109893.html
>> http://6.cn/watch/4780031.html
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,
U once mentioned that u found much about yourself on the web. Does that mean that you are a MEDICAL DOCTOR?
>> U sound like a nice guy.
Hope to hear your answer.
HA HA HA. Now, we are speculating.......
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

I read from the articles on the internet that Barbara completed a two-year foundation course at the University of Cambridge before entering the Central School of Art and Design where she completed the four-year Bachelor of Arts in Textile Design Degree Programme.

Is the Cambridge College of Art and Technology an affiliate of Univerisity of Cambridge?

It is also written in the articles that Barbara went to Hong Kong during the 1982 Easter holidays to recover herself from the stress of breaking up with her Dutch medical student boy friend with whom she had dated for two years.

Were you the one being referred to?

Please answer. Thanks a lot.
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Karen Rong
13 years ago
Dear Rob,

Thank you for sharing your memories.
I grown up in a typical chinese family like Barbara did. I totally understand where you guys coming from.
I can't wait to read more stories!
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

I'm from Australia and a great admirer of Barbara Yung.

I first saw Barbara in Legend of the Condor heroes and fell in love with her. She has charisma and charm that is incomparable.

I have been searching the internet for many years for information and memories Barbara but unfortunately, most are about her death.

Then recently, I found your video on youtube and never knew she had a love in England. It was lovely to see.

Even after 25 years, you still remember the time you spent with her in such detail. And you have written so beautifully. I hope to read more stories soon.

Thank you so much for making such a beautiful website and for carrying on her memory.

Your a wonderful person.
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ann hee
13 years ago
dont worry! i m ur loyal fan so i dont mind the error in NAMES. anyway i m using my real name. hope u are fine n happy! THANKS
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,
So are you still living in Cambridge ?For This site might make you well known for local fans people.Well,maybe not "well known",but 'more known'to some Chinese communities. :lol:
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13 years ago
No I am not living in Cambridge any more, I am living in Holland. I don't think the Chinese community will remember me. Barbara did her best to keep me away from them and I am certain Barbara's family didn't talk about me.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob. Your time is valuable. It does not matter that there is error in the NAMES of the Comments. I think most names are fictitious anyway. We took a lot of your time already....
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13 years ago
Due to a mayor error in the website database, all the names by the comments have been changed in 'Guest'. I put my name back in the comments I made (well most of them). Unfortunately I can't restore all the other names. If people want their name back by their comments, please mail me the comment (with date and time) then I put the name in.

Sorry about this, computers aren't my thing really.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

I saw a picture in www.barbarayung.net painted by Barbara's uncle in which Barbara wore a school uniform and a pair of glasses.

I wonder if Barbara needed to wear glasses or contact lens?
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13 years ago
Barbara started wearing contactlenses in 1977, before that she wore glasses. I have contactlenses, that made her decide that she wanted them aswell.
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13 years ago
Rob, if you were married to Barbara... would you've lived in the Netherlands or in England?
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13 years ago
My stories to come will give the answer to this question
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13 years ago
I remembered when I was young and my aunt was teaching me how to ride a bike. As she was teaching me, my uncle from across the street yelled and told us the next tape of "legend of condors" was playing, my aunt ran and left behind with the bike. My whole family enjoyed her series.

I was shocked to hear of her passing......
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13 years ago
I heard from many years ago that she didn't really kill herself for Kent but was:

1. She was murdered.(or)
2. She killed herself because Lydia Sum did some horrible things to her. Barbara pissed her off.

Anybody hear something similar? I read about it not long ago on AsianFanatics
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13 years ago
For Q2, yes, I have heard of that. A prisoner confessed that. He felt sorry about what he did. I learnt it from a chained email.
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13 years ago
Question for Rob:
If Rob and Barbara did not break up, would you Rob have married Barbara eventhough getting married is not a big thing in Netherlands?

Rob, please answer this question.
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13 years ago
Yes, because this would have been very important for Barbara.
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13 years ago
****Correction*** I was 9 when she passed away...:P.
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13 years ago
I was 6 when she passed away. I cried so much..back then, I used to like her so much that I spent all my lunch money to buy pictures of her. I still like her and miss her so much after so many years. Thank you so much for putting this website together. By the way, how did you guys break up? Were you sad when she left England for Hong Kong?
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,

Thank you for sharing your stories and the love you have and shared with Barbara. Even though you two are from differentbackgrounds, cultural beliefs and faces many difficulties, you two fell in love and cherish the moments together. Rob, you gave Barbara something I feel she was missing, a hole in her heart and in her life….True Love.

I’m sad that she left England and returned to HK and for whatever reason it must have been hard for Barbara being forced or maybe blackmailed, for lack of words. She loved her mother and trying to be the good discipline daughter that she is, maybe she didn’t want to object to whatever decisions were made for her.

This is just my thoughts and do not mean to offend anyone or any of Barbara’s fan as I am one of them too.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob, thank you for this wonderful website information of Barbara. can I ask u 4 questions 1. u got engaged and nearly married to Barbara and not ur current girlfriend why is this.

2. when Barbara came back to HK in 1982 who was looking after the fish and chip shop besides her mother and uncle.

3. how far is her home in Histon to her school in Cambridge by bus Im guessing it would have taken her 2 hours and that walk to and from the bus stop to the University look very far to walk on the map u provide us.

4. how would u compare to the 1970's society to the 2000's (eg do u like it back then or now).
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13 years ago
I forgot about these questions, sorry for my late answers.
1. marriage with Barbara was a way to escape, I don't need to escape with my partner.
2. her uncle had a girlfriend (and married her later), she helped out.
3. the busride was about 1/2 an hour
4. I prefer now, with the internet, facebook, twitter, MSM, mobile phones. It makes life so much easier. I wish we had that in the seventies.
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13 years ago
Oh, i miss her
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13 years ago
Every now and then I visit this site because it is terrific and offers a different view of YML. Thank you very much Rob for doing this. we appreciate you sharing the personal stories of you and YML very much. You probably heard all of our thanks to nauseum now. :P It is lovely to read of your memories and life together with YML. It is amazing to be able to know of her life in England.

BTW, if I may, I echo someone else's comment or request for you to use traditional Chinese characters, and not the simplified version. Traditional Chinese is easier to read / recognize. (I am not literate in Chinese, but I prefer traditional Chinese writing over simplied.) My thoughts only. ;o)
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13 years ago
If someone is willing to translate the stories into traditional Chinese then I can put both translations on the website.
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13 years ago
If it's only to convert the characters, this would be enough:

(Simplified is gb, and traditional is big5)
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13 years ago
Thanks a lot. My tears burst out when I saw the old pictures of Barbara. She was so beautiful. I will never forget her.

Thanks Rob
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13 years ago
I'm from Indonesia, and a huge fan of Barbara yung since watching her as Huang Rong.

Thank you for revealing such a memorable events from her and you. they were sad, cute, and lovely stories. I surely will visit this site often to keep up the update.

Somehow, i just dont believe that she committed a suicide. But after reading the "First time", well it might be a chance for her to do it again.

Thanks again...
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13 years ago
i came across this site a while back but didn't have the chance to really go through everythinb.

i wanted to ask something, i read somewhere you said that you knew that barbara had passed away in 1985. how did you know?

also if you are interested, i have a not very interesting thing to share.

Barbara really wanted to buy a volkswagen golf convertible before she died. my uncle was the salesman who accompanied her on the test drive. she had actually borrowed a white golf convertible from another actress which she drove to the showroom in. she had wanted to get the exact same thing.

but it never happened. she didn't place an order that day and around 2 - 3 months afterwards she passed away.
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13 years ago
Thank you for this information.

I got a letter from a friend of mine in Cambridge who wrote that she had read in the local newspaper that Barbara had died.
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13 years ago
Thank you for revealing her life before she became legendary Huang Rong (the most memorable character she portaited in Legend of the Condor Heroes). She was a myth from skyrocketing to stardom to sudden passaway. Even nowaday people talk about her in much of regret and curiosity. As you said she is such a private person, her offscreen life is often eclipsed by her film characters until her death. I saw your youtube clips and wondered where that boy in her picture is. And there is this site that provides first hand information about aspect of Barbara that many fans don't know.
I definitely understand your mom's reaction when she knew your tribute video on youtube. Although I am grateful of your contribution to Barbara's fan, I wish you move on with your life and be with your true love.
Thanks again!
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13 years ago
Hi, Rob.
You probably didn't know how much Barbara influenced Chinese who grew up watching her performance. It's tremendous! We will always cherish this graceful sister in our heart.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob, you found the wrong one to translate the site. It will be much better to translate into Traditional Chinese, which the HK people uses. Anyway, it is a very awesome site, a very sweet memory!
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13 years ago
Hi Rob, thanks again for sharing stories about Barbara with us.

I don't know where to comment about the MV you made so I'm thinking that I should comment it here. It's a really beautiful MV with all the beautiful pictures put together and the selection of the song is just perfect. Thanks for making the MV.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,
I just want to say thank you for making this web-site! You are awesome!
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13 years ago
Hi Rob,
I really enjoyed your stories.
When I read the chapter "Formally introduced", I remembered the situation in Legend of Condor Hero 83 when Huang Rong's father first met Guo Jing (after fighting with the old beggar), her dad doesn't like Guo Jing at all. No wonder Barbara acted well; she experienced it. :-)
Thank you.
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13 years ago
Hi Rob, U said u visited Barbara's grave in 1986. Q1)Did you go back to visit her grave since? Q2) Do you still go back to Cambrige? Q3) Do your parents still live in Cambridge?
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13 years ago
Hello John,
Q1 - no
Q2 - yes
Q3 - no, see the next story
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13 years ago
I was wondering whether Barbara's mother knows about this site and your past relationship?
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13 years ago
The Chinese community in Cambridge knows about this site, but I don't know if they dare to tell Barbara's mother about it.
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14 years ago
hey rob, i actually want to cry, i empathise you because you were innocent when she passed away and it hit your mind very badly.
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14 years ago
Hi Rob,
Please answer. Your pictures with Barbara (both of u together) - Did u take them using SETUP CAMERA WITH TRIPOD?
>> Or did u get bystanders to take for u?
>> Very good pictures
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14 years ago
Bystanders made them
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14 years ago
I like the way Barabara dress herself-Nice casual feminine dresses, shoes with stockings, long hair. Natural, sweet & lovely. In the movies, she has to wear heavy makeup. U all seem to like nature too, scenic hill sides - very romantic.
THANKS ROB for those lovely pictures.
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14 years ago
Hi, Rob,

I noticed you had removed some topics from "Answers to questions". Can you remain them as much as possible? as we are referring friends to visit this website, and we do not want them to miss out anything. thanks.
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14 years ago
Oops, I made a error on the site, I repaired it, thanks for telling me.
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14 years ago
Hi Rob, this is for your information only, your story has been published on the local chinese newspaper in Malaysia yesterday, 25/7/10. That is how i get to this website, thanks for sharing ur story.
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14 years ago
Hi! Rob,
I am a big fan of Barbara YUNG, I am curious, since the both of you love each other so much, what made both of you separate?
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14 years ago
Barbara YUNG Mei Ling was one of the Hong Kong's best-known television actresses. She was the most beautiful actress during the early 1980s. :roll:

:D Good job, Roy! I liked YUNG Mei Ling. I also liked her dramas very much. :-)
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14 years ago
barbara yung was a legend

the chick below tho is a joke

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14 years ago
huang rong gained some weight after she went back to hong kong. but of all the things i absolutely love her little nose. it is sooo adorable. i wanna play with it.
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14 years ago
Barbara has a niccccccce smlie. u know she is very charming. 2nd u r so happy.i feel really low today after seeing the photos.we all love her,bt we all lost her. :sad:
it comforting to know, the ones you love r always in ur heart.
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14 years ago
hi rob! hope to hear from u soon about ur latest life and everything. i m touched by what u did.
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14 years ago
Same as some of the fans, whenever I read about Barbara, there is a pain in my heart, and I still can't help tearing.

I agree that she was/is more than a celebrity, but a cultural icon of an age.

Please keep up the good work, Rob! Sincerely thanking you for your effort to this site.

All the best wishes!
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14 years ago
rob you rockkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU'RE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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14 years ago
Thankyou Rob. I actually meant more than that. There just isn't any words to say that means more than thankyou
We don't really know what actually happen and who / what caused her death. She has so much going for her.
As for her mum, I can imagine she acting the way she did. She is a mother. She wants the best for her ONLY child. whatever best mean to her. Maybe it is not best according to us or barbara.
I feel sorry for her mother. I cannot imagine losing one of my kids. now that she is in her 80s and ill health..I feel so sorry for her mom.
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14 years ago
Rob, thank you very much for the publish of your precious memories with Barbara Yung. I really love her acting in Legend of the Condor Heroes, I think she was the best actress acting as Huang Rong above all the other actresses who had also acted as this role.
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14 years ago
Thanks for sharing with us your beautiful love story. I have enjoyed looking at the photographs. Keep up the good work! And be happy! :roll:
P.S. Wasn't there a TV commerical years back which says 'love lost is perhaps the only love that last forever...'
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14 years ago
thanks for the memories of Barbara.
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14 years ago
you must be sad when she passed away.she was so beautiful!you had a wonderful time .being happy and perious this moment!
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14 years ago
Rob, Too bad Barbara did not try to get help from your parents. Because if she did, she would have got support from your family and she is lucky to have the option. U & Barbara were young and healthy. U could have worked hard to make your own living and still be together. Our destiny is in our own hands. Happiness is not easy to come by. Other thing I notice -- Question. Why is her mother playing mahjong when Barbara came back from her trip? The daughter had to lie to spend sometime away from home and when she came back, why did the mum play mahjong instead of spending time with her daughter????
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14 years ago
Hey Rob,

It's been awhile since I last checked in the website...looks like your efforts are paying off and your memories of Barbara are being spread around the world. My biggest question now is were you guys engaged? I noticed on her wedding finger - the picture under the tree a ring on there? Please explain.
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14 years ago
26 years on since barbara died, the
chinese still act the same, alway pushing their children marry rich family or force working in the family business, or arrange marriage, up to now my family still act like this !
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14 years ago
I think Barbara's Mum & Uncle INDIRECTLY drove Barbara to her death. After losing her dad at a very young age, Barbara was given too much responsibilites. Barbara wasn't allowed to date Caucasians .. period.(Her mum did not even try to learn more about her daughter's relationships). This is very harsh for a young girl. Mothers need to take the time and effort to listen and talk to their daughters, not just keep disciplining her.
>> Now her mum get what she deserves, living a long life BUT WITHOUT her daughter.
When Barbara's 2nd relationship did not work out, she just "snapped".It is not healthy for a "only child" to grow up in a family that does not have visitors. It is also not healthy to "hook up" your daughter with rich man's sons.Thanks to Rob for sharing his stories. We can use this as a lesson when we raise our girls.Barbara should have got help from a social worker. Unfortunately, to a traditional Chinese family, this brings shame.
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14 years ago
when i was young i do watch meiling every HKserials i love her so much ,she come to singapore to perform for 2 times and my mum buy tickets for me to see her,i really enjoy watching her on stage singing so happy that night .when i know she passed away i can't sleep or eat for a long time.till now no1 can replace her in my heart.她是我心中永远的明星。
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14 years ago
I m not barb’s fan, but I m very touch with what you have done for her.

You are a very sentiment people, and you must be missed her very much.

You handle the relationship very well, and I really admire you.

All the best to you, you deserve something better.
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14 years ago
Dear Rob,
Thanks a lot to write these beautiful stories. I like her when I was 8 or 9 year old (around 1983) I collected her images in magazines, newspaper and bought her photos. I didn't keep after her death. However, her image is in my brain forever.
I really like her co'z she has a very special charm.
I would love to read more about her.
Take care Rob and best wishes to you and your family!
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14 years ago
Thank you very much for creating this website to share your memories of Barbara with us.

I agree with your comment that Barbara’s real life character shows in many of her acting roles. I believe it is her real life character which captivates her fans to this day. I know it is for me.

I am envious of you for personally knowing the real Barbara during those years. I am also very grateful that you were able to provide Barbara with some of the happiest time of her live.

I look forward to more post from you on the entire story.
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14 years ago
Thanks for showing a side of her that's so different from her tv persona, such a darling. She wouldn't need all the make up and costume. She looked so happy and healthy in your photos.
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14 years ago
Do you miss her, Rob?
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14 years ago
Barbara's eyes looked bigger in her movies vs the photos...wondering if she had double eyelid surgery.
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14 years ago
Hi Rob, My name is Lely. I am from Bali Indonesia. Thank You so much for sharing the story and pictures. waiting for the next post. I remember that I watched LOCH when I was 5 years old. Barbara,act very well in LOCH. I think no one can act better than her as "Huang Rong".
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14 years ago
Thank you so much for the stories. I'm a fan and will always be her fan.
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14 years ago
My spelling are not to great, so i try my best to write this, i had remember barbara yung for many years, love watching her tvb series and luckyly live in cambridge near where she buried,just saying to my daughter the other day that one day i would like to bury next to her grave, then i wont be lonely, there plenty of visitor at barbara grave, it a shame she died so early, dont think she kill herself, i believe there so much going on the 80's, who know what exactly happen, it seem a long time it happen, but she look just like yesterday, i had 7 out of 9 series she made, i repeat watch it once a year, she is someone that you never forgot, we both have a similar background in cambridge.
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14 years ago
Thankyou for your memories of you and Babara. I am her fan and I have always want to know more about her. Babara's acting is so astonishing in her TVB series, its ashame that she had passed away so suden, leaving her fans, friends and family.
But i am so glad you've come up with this idea showing more about her life and of course yours as well.
i was born in 85, so i didn't know her as a celebrity until in the late 90's.
her legend will always live on and so will your memories,
it would be wonderful if you can upload more pictures, looking forward for you to write more!

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14 years ago
Thank you Rob for just sharing & not turning it into a media spin of newsworthiness. Looking forward to more stories once published.
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