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On the 23th of June 2016  I met Andrew (Barbara’s cousin) and Sheila (Barbara’s aunty) in a very old pub in Cambridge. They invited me for a pub diner there. It was more than 35 years ago when I saw Sheila the last time. She said she still recognized me, which surprised me as I changed a lot, maybe she was being kind to me. It was a very enjoyable evening. We talked about our past together and our plan regarding Barbara in the future. Andrew talked about his plans for an exhibition with his fathers and Barbara’s art work. He showed me pictures of Barbara’s work that has never been published yet. I talked about the book I want to write and they answered the many questions I had. Sheila came into the family in 1977 and therefore she was a witness of all Barbara’s struggles in our relation. She was able to tell a lot of things I didn’t know and I could tell her a few things she didn’t know. Andrew also showed me a lot of personal pictures of Barbara which have never been published before. Unfortunately I had to catch my last bus to my sleeping address or else we would have talked for many hours more. Sheila and Andrew were so kind to drive me to the bus stop as it rained very hard. And we promised to stay in contact, which we since then have done.

Andrew, Sheila and I are striving for the same cause; keeping the memory of Barbara alive. This means that the coming years there will be more information about Barbara released. About Barbara as an actress, her personal life and Barbara as an artist.

Sheila also asked me to let people know (by my website) not to donate any money to organisations who say they are collecting money to support Barbara’s mother.  The family never requested this and Barbara’s mother is well taken care for.





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Đến Từ Kiếp Sau
1 month ago
In my opinion, barbara is not beautiful and is inferior to many TVB actresses in both face and body, but I still love her.
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Đến Từ Kiếp Sau
1 month ago
Unfortunately, I can no longer take videos of Barbara's mother and can only see her mother in photos
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Đến Từ Kiếp Sau
1 month ago
maybe you should film barbara's uncle, aunt and uncle's son and yourself on youtube, this will be a documentary for barbara lovers
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Đến Từ Kiếp Sau
1 month ago
How is barbara's uncle now?
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1 month ago
Barbara's uncle died 23 years ago.
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Nguyễn Chiêu Văn
1 month ago
Is my uncle's grave near barbara's grave?
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1 month ago
No, he is buried at another cemetery at a village just outside Cambridge.
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Nguyễn Chiêu Văn
1 month ago
Mộ người chú kết nghĩa có gần mẹ 2 mẹ con nàng ấy không
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Đến Từ Kiếp Sau
1 month ago
How is barbara's will now?
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Đến Từ Kiếp Sau
1 month ago
Anh có thông tin gì về chú của Ông Mỹ Linh (Barbara) không? Anh ta còn sống không?
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8 months ago
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Henry kwan
5 years ago
Suddenly want to see the classic "Heroes of Shooting and Carving", see Barbara, see the series you wrote, my heart is very sad, I think, love a person, can not be forgotten, thank you for bringing us her past, hope she has a good time in heaven, and hope you always have her in your heart, blessings.
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5 years ago
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Sarah Huang
5 years ago
Looking forward to your new book, hope I can get it from Amazon. I didn’t understand why Barbara committed suicide back in the 1985, many fans cried their eyes out. By knowing Barbara’s life in the Britain, I understand her suicide is unavoidable given the circumstances she was under : being extremely lonely, she was fragile and confused. Still sobbing my eyes out after so many years!
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5 years ago
Hello Sarah, the English version of the book will be released on 1-5-2020, it will then be available by Amazon.com
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Sarah Huang
5 years ago
Hello Rob, good to know and can’t wait for it being published. I bought a lot of Barbara’s stickers on which she was dressing as the role she played in the Legends of the Condor Heroes, just liked the rest of my classmates in primary school. We did not know anything about her being Barbara and never understood why she did that to herself. Then years later, there you are! I feel lucky to discover your website as it provides answers to the questions I had for many years. I never feel I understand Barbara so well. Thank you for building up and maintaining this website!
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Don't care about the unreasonable demands of individual extreme fans. One of you thinks that the best friend of the Far East plans to make an unreasonable request on your birthday. Leave him alone, they marry you. Don't be coerced by individuals. You have the right to write according to your own ideas. Extreme fans are not normal.
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6 years ago
Hi Rob!
Don’t worry about how your book will be perceived by the readers since you’re only reminiscing the truth about your relationship with Barbara at the time. It’s your history with her and you’re entitled to your own account of the memories. As for the fans who will dislike the book merely because they can’t handle the truth, then they’re not being realistic regarding Barbara’s past. They need to understand that although she was extremely famous and loved by many fans all over the world, she was also a normal human being just like the rest of us with human flaws! They simply can’t expect their idol to be perfect in every aspect, it’s impossible since no one is without faults...that’s what makes us human. I totally support you and your upcoming book Rob!!! For those fans out there who are not blinded by their unrealistic expectations of Barbara will also feel the same way; therefore, they too, will understand your point of view!
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5 years ago
Thank you Allison, I so agree with you.
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5 years ago
Quoting Rob:
Thank you Allison, I so agree with you.

I agree allison too.
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Dear rob, I hope you can travel to China, Hong Kong, China. China has many beautiful natural scenery and cultural landscapes. Welcome your family to travel to China.亲爱的rob希望你能来中国大陆中国香港旅游。中国有许多优美的自然风光和人文景观。欢迎你全家来中国旅行。
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6 years ago
I might when I have finished the book
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6 years ago
谢谢你回复,我一定买这本书。期待中。Thank you for your reply, I must buy this book. Expect.
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6 years ago
kent,michael miu,邹世龙,为什么不讲他们和barbara相处的故事细节。如果加上这些故事更完美。还是rob坦率。还有邹世龙第一个进入房间,barbara是坐在沙发上,还是倒在地板上,应该问清楚。Kent, michael miu, Zou Shilong, why not talk about the details of the story with them and barbara. If you add these stories, it's perfect. Or rob frank. And Zou Shilong first entered the room, barbara is sitting on the sofa, or fell on the floor, should be asked clearly.
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6 years ago
I am only writing about the England-period (it is to difficult for me to validate the information about the HK-period, a lot of lying was going on in that period), someone else will have to write about the HK-period.
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6 years ago
Good morning Rob!
Oh you’re more than welcome, I meant every word I said about you! You’re an amazing individual Rob! I’m super excited to hear you’re making great progress regarding your book. I’m an avid reader for autobiography and non-fiction materials so you can understand as to why I’m longing for your book! Hopefully you can unlock the mystery of Barbara’s faith through interviews with her family members! I have faith that you’ll accomplish this task in no time with your photographic memory!!! Have a blessed day Rob!!!
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6 years ago
Hello Allison, I think I have to temper your expectations of the book. I am writing it as a novel, using the truth as I know it. It is not going to be a very nice book and I think that the people who are a fan of Barbara because how she was in her period fame, are not going to like my book.
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6 years ago
Hi Rob!

I was very sad to learn from your website that Barbara’s mother has passed away last year. God bless her soul! One thing I’m very confused though and I hope you can enlighten me on this question: I’ve read that Barbara had a Catholic funeral, which meant she was a Catholic, so then why is it that her mother was a Buddhist at the time of her passing? Please help me out. I appreciate your kindness in answering this question of mine!! God bless you and your family always and especially your wonderful parents! They are such lovely people from your description of your parents! Please send them my admiration!!!
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6 years ago
Hello Allison,
Barbara's mother has always been a Buddhist that was the religion in the region in China where she came from. Why Barbara became a Catholic is not clear, maybe because of her stepfather. There are a few pictures of Barbara being baptized when she was about 2 years old.
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6 years ago
I greatly appreciate you in answering my question so promptly! You are awesome Rob! I’m so looking forward to reading your upcoming project regarding your life with Barbara in England!!! I’ll purchase the book at any cost because of the love you two have shared! Such sweet memories! Thank goodness you have such a photographic memory! Best of luck with your book Rob, I have a lot of respect for you !!
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6 years ago
Thank you for your compliments. The last few weeks I have been making some enormous progress in writing the book. I hope I can keep up this speed so you read the book in not all the long way in the future.
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7 years ago
looking forward to your book about Barbara. can't wait.
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7 years ago
Rob, thank you so much for this. I visited Barbara's grave in late July 2016, just a month or so after your visit. I'm soo sooo glad that Barbara's memories are still alive... Thank you and waiting for your book, and also the exhibition of Barbara's artworks...
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8 years ago

Thanks for your dedication to keep Barbara's memories alive for her family and us her fans!

Wow - such a special moment to be able to reconnect with her family after so many years!! Wish you and her family best of luck in the coming years as you set-out to accomplish certain goals with exhbits and books to share more tidbits about Barbara's life.

So unfortunate to hear, there are people out there taking advantage of her mom. A mom whom under very tragic circumstances lost a young daughter which she had many hopes and dreams for! I hope somehow she finds some peace knowing her daughter despite all these years of passing is still well loved and rememberd.
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8 years ago
Happy to hear this information, pour English,so only little words. You all stay in contact ,and BB'mum is healthy, I am very light in heart. About the book,which was paper history, should be stay long time to give another time people, so I hope Rob would do it slowly with keeping a peaceful heart motion. Ok.
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8 years ago
Happy to hear this information...nice to have the peaceful emotion with future book. Best regards
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8 years ago
very good. its great you had a meeting with them! can you say what you found out about barbara that you didnt know? regards, dwain
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Rob R
8 years ago
Things about Barbara's biological father and her step fathers. The reason she moved to Histon. Why she wanted to break up with me, her life in England after we broke up. The reason for her suicide attemps and much more. Basicly I got the answers to the questions I had for many years.
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