19830718 Wah Kiu Yat Po


On the “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”,

Yung Mei Ling prefers the second part “The Eastern Heretic and Western Venom” as the story is better and she performs well.

After finished filming of “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, Yung Mei Ling went with Felix Wong Yat Wah and others to go stage in Europe.  They returned from Europe on the 15th July.  Subsequently, Yung Mei Ling received a notice that she was assigned for playing in a new TV series “The Man in the Middle”.  Yung Mei Ling said that she filmed in an ancient TV series for a half year.  Now she is very happy as she can have a chance to play in a modern tv series.  On the other hand she is worried that in “The Man in the Middle” she will be performing between two famous actors.  So, she is going to try her best to be well prepared.  In “The Man in the Middle” the two famous actors are Adam Cheng Siu Chau and Melvin Wong Kam Sang.

With regards to her Europe trip, Yung Mei Ling moaned that Felix Wong Yat Wah said that she should not tell all the things about that trip to others.  Therefore se will not tell stories about this Europe trip.  Yung Mei Ling also said that they (Felix Wong Yat Wah and others) had gone to certain places but she did not go with them.  

The third part of “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” namely “The Duel on Mount Hua” is still broadcasting.  A journalist asked Yung Mei Ling about her view on this series.  She said that she put the most effort in this series.  However, she prefers the second part of “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” namely “The Eastern Heretic and Western Venom” as she regards that its story is better.  In “The Duel on Mount Hua”, there are too many characters and its history background is quite sophisticated.  Luckily, Yung Mei Ling did perform it well.

Picture: Tong Chun Yip had accompanied Yung Mei Ling the whole day.

Newspaper Name: 華僑日報
Date: 1983年7月18日

(Thanks to Kitty for the articles and the translation)

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Picture: Tong Chun Yip had accompanied Yung Mei Ling the whole day.

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