Yung Mei Ling said, "I like being in the spotlight” and asked, “After playing Huang Rong, will I definitely become famous?"

After Yung Mei Ling auditioned for the role of Huang Rong, she seemed to disappear without a trace, but she wasn't worried. She said, "Take it slow, take it slow!"

Yung Mei Ling's personality is just like her appearance—sweet and gentle. Unfortunately, her Cantonese pronunciation isn't very clear. She said with frustration, "I've been working hard to correct this flaw. I'm planning to ask Mr. Liu Fanggang, the head of the training class, if I can audit the class. This way, I can receive drama training and also improve my language skills."

Yung Mei Ling is very afraid of speaking Cantonese. When she first started appearing on camera, she couldn't even understand what she was saying when watching the recordings. But now, things are much better, and she has made progress.

"When I was studying in the UK, I was speaking and writing in English, so I didn't have any opportunities to use Cantonese. After returning, I spoke Mandarin or another regional dialect with my family, so I still didn't know how to speak Cantonese," Yung Mei Ling said.

I asked her, "What course did you study in the UK?"

"Pattern design," she answered when asked about her studies. "For example, designs on carpets or wallpaper patterns—those are the areas I studied."

Don't you feel it's a pity that you can't use what you've learned now?"

"What I've learned belongs to me. Even if I can't apply it now, perhaps it will come in handy in the future. Who knows what the future holds?"

"Are you used to doing TV shows?"

"Yes, it's great! Sister Qi and Sister Sen have been helping me a lot, teaching me many things," she said sweetly, with a smile that could charm anyone.

"Don't you think the entertainment industry is complicated?"

"It's the same everywhere. People who work at the TV station are just like anyone else, but because they appear on camera, they become known. When you appear on camera more often, people start recognizing you."

"Do you like being recognized on the street?"

"Hehe! I kind of like it. It's nice to be recognized by others."

"Do you think that's being in the spotlight?"

"It's not bad to be in the spotlight. It's not like I'm seeking it out deliberately. Everything happens naturally. I don't actively pursue it; I just let things unfold on their own."

So, when the company asked her to audition for the role of Huang Rong, she was happy, but not overly excited. She was mentally prepared that if the opportunity went to someone else, she wouldn't be too upset.

"Everyone is talking about 'Huang Rong.' Does playing Huang Rong mean I'll definitely become famous?"  Yung Mei Ling finally asked with a hint of doubt.


翁美玲说 喜欢 出风头 做了黄蓉, 一定红梗?


「你在英国修的 是什么课程?」我问

翁美玲试完了黄 蓉后,便一直石沉大 海,但她不急,她说 :「慢慢来,慢慢来吧!」



温吞!独惜是她的广东话咬字不够清晰! 「我已经很努力去纠正这个缺点。」 她懊恼的说:「迟些时候,我想向训练班主任刘芳刚先生申请,让自己做一个旁听生,一来接受戏剧训练,二来可以矫正自己在语言上的弊病。

翁美玲是很怕说 广东话,初初出镜的 时候,一大串的对白 念下去,看录映带时 也听不出自己是说些 什么,现在算是好了 ,也进步了。

「在英国读书的 时候,说的、写的也 是英文,根本没有机 会接触广东话,回来 后,我与家人讲的也 是国语或外省话,因 此更不懂说广东话了

翁美玲说。 「图案设计。」

譬如毡上的图案 或墙纸的花式,便正 是她所学习的范围。 「现在不能够学 以致用,不觉得可惜吗?」

「我学到的便等 于属于我自己,现在 虽然不能应用,但或 许将来可以派上用场 ,往后的事情谁又可以预计得到呢!」 「习惯做电视节目吗?」 「很好呀!有齐姐、森 姐他们帮忙,教晓了我许多 东西。」她娇甜的笑着说, 嘴巴真会哄人。 「不认为娱乐圈复杂?



「唔!嘻嘻!都几喜欢 ,有人识得自己嘛!」 「你认为这是出风头吗?」

「有风头出也不错,又 不是自己去搏,总之一切都 顺其自然,我也不会刻意追 求,让它顺其自然发展。」 所以,公司找她试镜「黄蓉」时,高兴是高兴,但不至于太激动,她也有了心理准备,万一机会给了别人 时,自己也不至于太过难受


The Thing I Desire the Most: Barbara Yung Mei-ling

There's nothing in particular that I'm especially eager for. I'm quite content with my current life; it's pretty good. Even if I have some wishes, many times they are just things you say out loud, things that might never come true in this lifetime, so what's the point of wishing for them? Although I'm not very wealthy right now, having money isn't necessarily a good thing. If I have to name one hope, then, no, I hope to perform better in acting!

Note from "Mau Tai Mui": Not even daring to dream? Just acting?

How about I think for you: First, becoming more and more popular, more popular than Fo Tan; second, the company raises your salary, 12 times a year; third, having lots of boyfriends, so many that you'd need to take turns dating them.



没有,我没有什么哪样是特别渴望的,我对现在的生活相当满足,也挺好的。就算有了一些愿望,很多时候都只是得个说字,这辈子都不会实现的东西,望来干什么啰?虽然,我现在又不是很有钱,但是,有钱Not necessarily good.如果,是要我说一个希望的话,不,我希望做好一点戏吧!





If Someone "Greets" Me — Barbara Yung Mei-ling

It’s nothing, really. I don’t think I’ve ever been cursed at with foul language. I’ve heard foul language, but who hasn’t? If I said I’ve never heard it while living in Hong Kong, no one would believe it, right? Sometimes you even overhear it on the streets without meaning to, as long as it's not directed at you, it’s fine.

Note from "Mau Tai Mui": Using foul language is one thing, cursing at someone with it is another. Hearing foul language is one thing, being cursed at with it is another. You’ve mixed up all four things together, really making me speechless!







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