Yung Mei Ling likes Living alone. 

Although she is an only daughter, she did not live with her family when she was studying in the UK...

翁美玲喜欢  独居生活

虽然是独女, 但在英国念书的时候, 也不跟家人一起住………………… ...

Written by Jenny Tu.

Yung Mei Ling looks very young. If you don't know her age, you will always think she is only 17 or 18 years old. But in fact, this girl has finished college and has worked for half a year. If you calculate, she is at least 22 years old. She said: "Everyone thinks I am only in my teens, but in fact I am already 23 years old." 

This girl immigrated to the UK with her mother in 1976. She is the only daughter in the family. Her father died early. Entering the entertainment industry was something she had never thought of before. However, since she had the opportunity, of course she does not want will not miss it. At present, she is one of the most respected newcomers in TVB. After filming The legend, she will work with Adam Cheng Siu in a fashion TV series. 

She returned to Hong Kong in April last year. It has been more than a year now, but her mother in the UK is already very worried. Her mother came back to see her twice. Fortunately, Yung Mei Ling lives in her godmother's house and has someone to take care of her food and daily life, otherwise her mother would be even more worried.

Yung Mei Ling said: 

"I like to live independently. When I was in college, my school was in London, but our family lived in Cambridge, so I didn't live at home.  During the four years of college,  I lived alone not with my family. “

"Did you lived on a campus?" 

"Not really, I rented a room near the school.’”                           

"Do you live with female classmates?" 

"No, I lived alone. I only went home during the summer vacation."

 "Aren't you worried that your mother will be too lonely now?”

 In July this year, she asked TVB for a three-week leave to go to Europe, in which ten days she  performed with Felix Wong and others, and the remaining sixteen days she was at home. In order to accommodate this busy little niece, the 40-year-old uncle postponed his wedding date until she had arrived in the UK. 

"So this time when I went to Europe, the time was well arranged. I performed and attended my uncle's wedding." 

Yung Mei Ling's uncle is a painter. There are many paintings in the house that are portraits of Yung Mei Ling when she was a child. " My uncle loves me very much. He lives with us. Sometimes I feel so unlucky, like now I'm back in Hong Kong, it's so lonely here. But my personality is like this, I do what I want, regardless of the consequences." 

She studied textile design in the UK. After graduation, she worked as an assistant of a textile designer for half a year. Later, because she felt that life in the UK was dull and there was not much prospect of finding a proper job, she returned to Hong Kong alone. At that time, she returned to Hong Kong mainly to apply what she learned and develop further in the field of textile design; unexpectedly, she happened to encounter the Miss Hong Kong pageant and was nominated by a friend, so she entered the television industry by accident. 

It's natural. It is well known that Barbara Yung has recently fallen in love with Kent Tong and they often goes out together. Barbara Yung is very generous about the relationship and does not deny it, but she does not want to deliberately admit it. 

She said, "We are good friends, everything goes smoothly." 

“If  you are getting married in Hong Kong, won't you have time to accompany your mother?" 

"At that time, I might bring her to Hong Kong. "

It turned out that they had nine cats and two dogs at home. 

She said, "My mother spends more money raising them than raising me." 

I joked with her, "If your mother raised them, they would accompany her, but if she raised you, you would fly away." 

"Yes, sometimes I feel that I am wrong. I am the only daughter in the family and I should not ignore my mother." 

So I asked her, "If one day, you...” 

Although Yung Mei Ling was educated in the UK and lived there for so many years, she is still a very Chinese girl. If she doesn't say it, you will never believe that she has lived in the UK for eight years.

翁美玲喜欢  独居生活

虽然是独女, 但在英国念书的时候, 也不跟家人一起住………………… ...


翁美玲的样子十分小,如果别她 年齢,总以为她只有十七、八岁,但实际,这个女孩已经念完了大学,而且还做了半年事,算一算,起码有二十二岁了。







她说:「我喜欢独立生活,念大 学的时候,学校在伦敦,但我们家住在剑桥,所以没住在家里。」

念大学的四年里,一直在外面独「住校?」个房间住。 」「也不是,我是在学校附近租一


「不担心妈妈一个人太寂寞吗? 今年七月的时候,她会跟公司请了三个星期假到欧洲,其中有十天的时间是跟黄日章他们一起登台,剩下的十六则回家。四十岁的舅父更为了迁就这个忙碌的小外甥女,把婚期延到她到了英国才举行。





当时,她回香港,主要也是希望学以致用,在纺织设计这一方面发展 ; 岂料正好碰到选香港小姐,被朋友提名,于是,就这样阴差阳错进了电视圈。



众所周知,翁美玲最近和汤镇业堕入爱河,经常出双入对,对于恋爱的事,翁美玲很大方,不否认,但也不想刻意去承认。她说:「我们是好朋友,一切顺港住。 」


我跟她开玩笑:「你妈妈养它们 ,它们会陪他,但是养了妳,妳却达走高飞。」「是呀,有时候我也觉得自己很不应该,家里只有我一个独女,不应搁下妈妈不理。」


还是一个很中国化的女孩,如果她不说,你绝不果她不说,你绝不会相信 她曾经在英国生活了八年。


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