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In 2016 Zheng Mingming (a famous beautician) accepted an interview with @CABLETV_HK in the program "Star Reception Room". She recalled her struggle when she came  to Hong Kong alone. She also shared her experiences with famous people she encountered in life. Speaking about the death of her friend Weng Meiling, Zheng Mingming said: "She is unhappy about the relationship with her boyfriend. I told her to rest early. I didn't know that she would commit suicide the next day. I felt so sad."

(translated with Google translate)

Source: https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4540734265103492https://m.weibo.cn/status/3963710047001441


2016年 @郑明明Monita 接受 @CABLETV_HK香港有線電視 @汪曼玲 《星級會客室》專訪,憶述當年隻身來港打拼的奮鬥史,以及分享生命中遇過的貴人。提到好友翁美玲的死,鄭明明表示:“佢曾經同我講過同男朋友嗌交唔開心,我當時只係叫佢早啲休息,點知第二日佢就自殺,我覺得好難過。“

More information about Zheng Mingming see: https://baike.baidu.com/item/郑明明/8136328




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