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(the complete video can be seen at  youtube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf2OCYTqRBo. This articles content is from this video between minutes 1:55 to 2:51. )


This video was published by TVB: 

勁歌43年情.讓音樂高飛|元祖主持蔡楓華現身分享 曾訪Elton John翁美玲一世難忘

Date: 16 May 2023

To celebrate 43 years of broadcasting the Jade Solid Gold Programme Let music fly.  The first TV presenter in this program,  Kenneth Choi Fung Wah, shares his view about Jade Solid Gold Programme such as the interview he had with Elton John and his unforgettable person Yung Mei Ling.

Jade Gold Programme: is a TVB music programme.  In the past, it introduced some new worldwide popular songs. The first programme was released on 10th October 1981 at 9:00pm.  Now, this programme only introduces local new songs.

A word-for-word transcript with translation:

蔡楓華: 我覺得最難忘肯定係翁美玲…

Kenneth Choi: I think my unforgettable person must be Yung Mei Ling...

主持: 點解呢?

Host: Why?

蔡楓華: 因為我同佢做咗果次(節目)後, 無幾耐佢就過咗身…啫喺我諗依個係我好難忘記囉,因為我仲同佢一齊去…呢度唔怕講啦, 因為佢個人幾得意嗰喎,我啱啱同佢做完主持,我話今晚(我)有個朋友叫張明敏,(佢)都係唱歌嘅,佢(張明敏)果晚結婚,咁我話你(翁美玲)同我一齊去啦! 咁佢就一齊去,係呀! 我叫佢(翁美玲)去㗎…

Kenneth Choi: Because I was with her as a host in a programme.  After a while, she passed away... Until now, I still cannot forget her. As I was with her to go… I think I don’t need to hesitate to talk now.  She is quite cute.  When we finish the programme, I told her that I had a friend called Mingmin Zhang, he was getting  married today.  Then, I ask her Come with me to go there! Then, she really came along with me to go there.  Right! It was me to ask her to go there.


Host: So impromptu!

蔡楓華:係呀! 佢(翁美玲)話會唔會介意? 我話唔好會㗎,老友嚟㗎! 咁佢咪去囉!

Kenneth Choi: Yes! She asked me if they mind? I replied: No, we are buddies! Then, we went there together!

(Thanks to Kitty for explaining the video and translating it).


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