The Caritas Sale in Kowloon was held at Wah Yan College on 4 November (Sunday) 1984.

TVB set up a booth for the "Bat Legend of Chu Liu Xiang" and the "New Master Tie" in support of the charity event, and sent artistes to support the event, such as Miao Qiao Wei, Yung Mei Ling, Fang Yiqi, Kung Tsz Yan, Lau Ka Ling and sat Wai Leung. It was a great opportunity to do a good deed and get a prize at the same time.There was a great turnout of people who participated in the game booths for charity.




The Caritas Hong Kong Charity Bazaar is still held. Apart from the stalls selling goods, there are also games and snacks stalls.

Kowloon Wah Yan College is a boys' school located in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon.

香港明愛慈善賣物會 至今還有的,除了賣東西的攤位,也有遊戲和小吃的攤位,我猜阿翁楚留香劇集的宣傳攤位應該是玩遊戲的,鎖匙扣是紀念獎品。

九龍華仁書院,簡稱九華,是一所位於香港九龍的男校。地址: 九龍窩打老道56號。







19841105 2WahKiuYatPo

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