1972 poem

本詩是阿翁在1972年於香港(中學時期) 作的一首詩,翁舅媽Sheila將它抄下來,送給影迷們

Dear Salia :

我把這首詩抄送給你 作為翁美玲送給你對她的懷念之情一點心意

雪 花 如 絮 心 如 醉
萬 里 惟 待 夢 相 聚
昔 日 友 情 難 再 有
今 朝 良 宵 倍 添 愁


(source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4551358584206216)


This poem was written by a Yung Meiling  in Hong Kong (middle school) in 1972. Her aunt Sheila copied it down and gave it to fans

Dear Salia :

Please put this poem on the computer and send it to her fans.

I'll send you this poem from Yung Meiling. It will give you some thoughts on her memory

Snow like flocculent, heart drunk

We can only wait for dreams to meet

Old friendship is hard to have

Today's beautiful night is full of sorrow

Yung Meiling wrote it in 1972.



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Wen Zhang
10 months ago
I was there at her tome stone yesterday and cleaned up the old flowers and place a bundle of new flower. I feel deeply connected to her and finally managed to visit her recently when I traveled to Cambridge.
It is amazing you sorted out her hand written poem, which seems to bring her closer to me. like a neighbor friend.
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3 years ago
Barbara is such a sensitive person to write a poem like this. (a bit too mature for her age at that time.)
Maybe it also reveals her true character.
and apparently she knew the famous Chinese story that metaphorically uses flocculent to describe snowflakes.
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