1982 12 01 photo shoot07

At 9:00 a.m. on December first 1982, the dressing room of TVB  opens for make up. Isabella Kau Hung Ping visited Yung Mei Ling. After taking the modeling pictures, the reporters asked for a group photo outside. Shen Jinling was also present.

Photos hoot of with costums Legend of the Condor Heroes part 1. After this photo shoot the director decided to change Yung Mei Ling's hairstyle. Therefore she never appeared in the serie with the hairstyle shown in these pictures.

Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4631969343735615



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3 years ago
蓉儿姐姐,真的好想你,虽然你已走远,但你饰演的角色深入了我的心,最近又重温了两遍你饰演的《射雕》,越加思念你,如果你还活着该多好,真的不敢相信你已离开了我们。 :sad: :sad: :sad:
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