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Hong Kong Overseas Chinese daily May 15, 1986 (excerpt)

  • The first anniversary of Weng Meiling's death
  • Insiders are still deeply sorry
  • TVB broadcast of old dramas

Yesterday was the first anniversary of Weng Meiling's death. After the news of Weng Meiling's death was confirmed on that day, it not only caused a sensation in the entertainment industry, but also made everyone in Hong Kong feel sorry and sad.

Several artists talked about their feelings.

Li Xiangqin said that a year passed so fast that she was not happy when she recalled it. When she and Weng Meiling had just shot a long play, they returned home after finishing their work. They didn't expect that the play would be a farewell. Li Xiangqin also said that Weng Meiling was one of her QINV. However, because she believed in Buddhism and Weng Meiling believed in Catholicism, she had already asked Roland to do mass for Weng Meiling a year ago.

Li Xiangqin also said that TVB replays "sandwich man" and "biography of Shooting Heroes". Although some people say that TVB uses dead people to make money, she thinks it's not, which is enough to prove that Weng Meiling still has appeal after her death.

Qi Meizhen said that she didn't want to talk about the past. She had met Weng Meiling in her dream in the past year. So far, her heart is still very unhappy. I don't want to say too much. I don't want to talk about it more and more. As long as I know it, it's OK.

1986 05 15a

Li Xiangqin 02

Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4574948520365949

香港 華僑日報 1986-05-15 (節錄)







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