Yung Mei Ling feels better if performing in ancient drama 翁美玲演古裝好.

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報

Date: 1985年2月19日

In the original cast list of “Legend Of The General Who Never Was" and " The Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain ", Yung Mei Ling would play in these two new tv series.  However, Yung Mei Ling now is playing in “The Rough Ride” so TVB decided to look for another actress to play in these two new tv series.  Yung Mei Ling is very disappointed and thought that she was unlucky.

Yung Mei Ling says: “I played in ancient drama and modern drama.  I realized that I am more suitable for playing in ancient drama.  In “The Rough Ride”, I feel like putting in too much effort with a low return.  I am worried that when this tv series is released the audience’s response may be bad.”  Yung Mei Ling pointed out that “The Rough Ride” has 40 episodes instead of the only 20 episodes in the usual tv series.  In a standard tv series, audiences easily to forget the artist’s performance.  On the contrary, if a tv series has 40 episodes and if her performance is bad, she will be blamed by audiences within these 40 episodes.

Yung Mei Ling performed in a tv series one by one.  She feels exhausted so she hopes to have holiday.  As she needs to work, she will stay in Hong Kong during Chinese New Year.

The journalist asked Yau Ka Hung of TVB producer about Yung Mei Ling’s concern.  He reckons that she had this concern because she rarely performed in modern drama so she is now under high pressure.  He has complete confidence in her.   

(thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)


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