19840508 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle01

Happy Birthday to Yung Mei Ling. Tong Chun Yip does not know what to give as Yung Mei Ling already has everything.

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報

Date: 1984年5月8日

Yesterday was Yung Mei Ling’s birthday.   A journalist asked Tong Chun Yip about his birthday present.   He said that he did not know what to give her asYung Mei Ling already has everything.  Yesterday Yung Mei Ling told a reporter that she had invited him to go disco to have fun at her birthday.  However Tong Chun Yip said that they had work to do. Besides Yung Mei Ling needed to work till midnight (around 2 a.m.).  So they did not go to the disco. 

Tong Chun Yip said that a movie company had invited them (Tong Chun Yip and Yung Mei Ling) to go on stage together.  However, TVB did not allow them to take a leave to go on stage so they couldn’t accept this offer.  

(Thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)

 Just the part which is related to Yung Mei Ling is translated, the part that is only related to Tong Chun Yip is not translated.

19840508 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsPage




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