19830830 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle01{jcomments on}

Yung Mei Ling and Adam Cheng Siu Chau fully cooperate.   
Newspaper Name:  華僑日報
Date: 1983年8月30日
This is the first time that Yung Mei Ling works with Adam Cheng Siu Chau to play in “The Man in the Middle”.  Yesterday, Yung Mei Ling said that they (Yung Mei Ling and Adam Cheng Siu Chau) cooperated well and she learnt a lot from him (Adam Cheng Siu Chau).  With regards to TVB show “All-Star Challenge”, she just received the lyrics and she will be notified later to record the song.  


(Thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)

19830830 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsPage




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