1984 06 sister mag

At the end of June 1984 Yung Mei Ling and Kent returned to Hong Kong from Britain.  Yung Mei Ling was invited to take the cover photo of Sisters pictorial magazine (Liang Haiping was taking photos at the studio). At that time Kent accompanied her with a silver Porsche which he just had bought. When Yung Mei Ling took the cover photo (at least two shapes of a white short sleeve cross stripe vest and Japanese cartoon pattern clothes) photos were taken on the street with Kent in a white shirt and black trousers. Afterwards Yung Mei Ling and a Kent drove together in the Porsche to the Marine Cove yacht club for more pictures. The pictures were taken by Zhang Zhenguo, there are no pictures of them together, but there is a big gray fendi bag used by a Yung Mei Ling beside Kent in black shorts.)...

In the 253 issue of Sisters pictorial by Zhong Chuhong, there is an article with black-and-white picture reporting that "Yung Mei Ling bought six ties for Kent" (two black-and-white photos are the photos of Yung Mei Ling on the stage in Singapore in March, 84).... Issue 254 is the cover of a Yung Mei Ling in white... On the cover of issue 255, there are pink a Yung Mei Ling driving a Porsche at the Marine Cove yacht club and Kent in black shorts on the beach. In issue 257, there is a single photo of Kent in white shirt and black trousers.. These photo were probably all taken on the same day, and the photos and visits were distributed to four or more issues... At that time the newspapers or magazines did not mention that Kent had been to England with Yung Mei Ling. It was taboo at that time.

Translated by Baidu translator

Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4559681407690519



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