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1985 intervieuw stepfather


This article was an interview with Barbara’s stepfather. It mainly talked about these things,

  1. Family member relations
  2. Life stories of Barbara
  3. Barbara was a master of accounting
  4. Why Barbara went to Hong Kong for “Miss Hong Kong Pageant”
  5. Barbara’s Dutch boyfriend

Family member relations

The journalist was curious about why all Barbara’s family members (Barbara, Barbara’s mother, Barbara's uncle, Barbara's stepfather) had different family names. What were the real relations of each other? Barbara’s stepfather explained that the family name of Barbara’s natural father was Yung and he was ever a senior official of Hong Kong customs. Barbara’s natural father had two wives. After he passed away, Barbara’s mother did not get any heritage. The family name of Barbara’s uncle was Chan. He was the blood brother of Barbara’s mother. After Barbara’s stepfather got married with Barbara’s mother in 1973, Barbara was left in Hong Kong for a while and was taken cared of by her uncle during that time.

Life stories of Barbara.

a. Barbara was very smart, she could learn new things well just from one time instruction.

Not long after Barbara moved to UK around 12 to 13 years old, one day Barbara’s stepfather was sick and thus could not work in the kitchen of take-out restaurant at Essex. Barbara proactively took the responsibility of being the chef. She never worked in kitchen before but she could really manage everything well merely from daily observation of how her stepfather did things.

b. Barbara worked very hard for family business.

Barbara always worked in family operated take-out restaurant at Essex. Her stepfather disallowed her to work in kitchen because it was too tiresome. So Barbara worked in reception to take orders. Later they sold the take-out restaurant at Essex and bought the fish and chips shop at Cambridge. Barbara almost worked every evening in the shop after school. After she started college in London, she went back home every weekend to help family business as always.

Barbara was a master of accounting

Barbara was very good at accounting. She was the accountant in the family. She counted numbers very fast and precisely. She never made mistakes in all her work. Barbara not only helped family do accounting but also did it for others in London to earn extra money. Barbara also represented family to negotiate business and real estate, to meet lawyers and accountants, and to deal with bank manager. Why Barbara went to Hong Kong for “Miss Hong Kong Pageant”

Why Barbara went to Hong Kong for “Miss Hong Kong Pageant”

To participate in “Miss Chinatown Contest” and “Miss Hong Kong Pageant”, Barbara never talked this to her stepfather. She only talked it to her mother for advice and then her mother informed her stepfather. Her stepfather thought she was mature enough to make decision for herself, so he never worried about her as well. Only once Barbara was injured her eye when performing for “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”. Her stepfather suggested her to be careful when doing things. If she felt Hong Kong entertainment industry was too complex, she could consider to get rid of it and move back to UK. Barbara said that she did not fear anything and she would not give up only because of small frustration. Barbara always sent jewelry and money to her mother, and sent clothes to her stepfather. She bought everything in Hong Kong and requested friends to bring them back to UK.

The reason why Barbara decided to participate in “Miss Hong Kong Pageant” was because Barbara’s blood mother, Mrs Chan, encouraged her to do so. Mrs Chan’s husband used to be the colleague and good friend of Barbara’s natural father. When Barbara started working for TVB as presenter. Her income was very little. Her stepfather sent her 100 GBP every month. After Barbara performed for “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, her monthly salary was increased to 7000 HKD. Her major income, however, was from stage performance. Each time she could get 100 to 200 thousands HKD as reward. Barbara paid more than 500 thousands HKD to buy her house in Hong Kong with mortgage. But after two times of stage performance, she had paid off all mortgage.

Barbara’s Dutch boyfriend

Barbara’s stepfather said that Barbara ever had a Dutch boyfriend who was the son of the boss of a big Dutch electric appliance company. Barbara had been to Holland twice around 1980 to visit this boyfriend. But Barbara’s mother objected to her relationship with foreign boyfriend afterwards, so she broke up with this boyfriend immediately. The journalist also asked how Barbara’s stepfather thought about Kent Tong. Barbara’s father said he'd only met Kent a few times, so couldn't call it a deep impression. He's just like what you'd see him on the TV. He seldom talked, if asked a question, he'd give an answer. I felt that he looked cold and unlike Felix and Miu who are more chatty.

(thanks to Nelson and for translating this article and thanks to Fairchild for additional corrections)

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5 years ago
Quoting Fairchild:
Because of the article, I'd like to share my own impression with Kent. Months prior to Barbara's death, I met Kent for the first time outside TVB, we're kids in primary school and we'd just finished school. There's 4 of us. We saw Kent and said hello. He said Hello back in a very friendly way. He told us that he's going home which was just several mins up the road. We walked up with him and he happily talked about Barbara, and all the latest. He also asked about us. When he arrived at the bottom of his flat. He told us that's where he and Barbara lived, pointing up to the flat they shared, and he continued to talk to us for awhile before we said goodbye.
During my encounter with him, he never stop smiling.

Chinese are very reserved, an unmarried couple living together isn't something that you'd share but after meeting him, I felt that he's very honest, innocent and he's like a Guo Jing.

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5 years ago
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5 years ago
According to Barbara's interviews, visiting the UK with Kent also meant talking about commitments for the future. She often told the reporters that she wanted to go back to the UK because HK wasn't suitable for her. She also wanted Kent to move to the UK, but he felt that he'd just become one of the main actors in TVB. He aspired to go further in his acting career. There'd also been talks that if he moved to the UK, he might have to work in a take-away. Perhaps that's the reason why he wasn't talking much in the UK.

Whether fans knew a lot about their relationship or not, Fans should understand that they're in an adult relationship. Both in their 20's, they're under no obligation to marry to each other.
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Because of the article, I'd like to share my own impression with Kent. Months prior to Barbara's death, I met Kent for the first time outside TVB, we're kids in primary school and we'd just finished school. There's 4 of us. We saw Kent and said hello. He said Hello back in a very friendly way. He told us that he's going home which was just several mins up the road. We walked up with him and he happily talked about Barbara, and all the latest. He also asked about us. When he arrived at the bottom of his flat. He told us that's where he and Barbara lived, pointing up to the flat they shared, and he continued to talk to us for awhile before we said goodbye.
During my encounter with him, he never stop smiling.

Chinese are very reserved, an unmarried couple living together isn't something that you'd share but after meeting him, I felt that he's very honest, innocent and he's like a Guo Jing.
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5 years ago
Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
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5 years ago
Thank you for posting this valuable article and translated it into English. I'd like to point out that on the last paragraph, Barbara's step dad didn't say that Kent Tong "made other people feel not easy to approach" It's utterly inaccurate. He said he'd only met Kent a few times, so couldn't call it a deep impression. He's just like what you'd see him on the TV. He seldom talked, if asked a question, he'd give an answer. I felt that he looked cold and unlike Felix and Miu who are more chatty.

I'd appreciate if you could correct the translation. If I spot anymore discrepancies, I shall let you know.
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5 years ago
Thank you for your remarks, I altered the translation.
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6 years ago
谢谢你回答我的问题rob,事己至此,希望你全家幸福。这也是barbara如今希望看到的。她是个善良的女孩。Thank you for answering my question rob, this is the end of the matter, I hope that your family is happy. This is what barbara wants to see now. She is a kind girl.
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6 years ago
rob你的缺点是不肯为爱付出。甚至在分手那个时期对barbara感情不那么浓了。barbara可是感情受了重伤。她试图忘掉你,可她根本忘不掉。你真的应该自责。最起码应该知道她的情况。你们如此亲密五年,对她不闻不问实在错误。Rob your shortcoming is not willing to pay for love. Even during the breakup period, Barbara was not so strong. Barbara was seriously hurt. She tried to forget you, but she couldn't forget it. You really should blame yourself. At the very least, she should know her situation. You are so close to each other for five years, it is a mistake to ignore her.
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6 years ago
Knowing the facts now I agree with you.
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wentsing chen
6 years ago
Is this the first time that Rob was mentioned publicly by Barbara in HongKong?
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6 years ago
This is the only article I know so far in which I am mentioned.
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wentsing chen
6 years ago
The interview was in 1985.I think that’s why nobody knew you until you built your webs.
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