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Interview with Liu Chun-Hung (2023.06.02): Yung Mei Ling is very cute and a good person 

Excerpt Liu Chun-Hung: is well-known for playing the role of "Da Lizhen" in the TVB classic drama "Tianshi Zhishi" in the 1980s. He has been in TVB for 20 years and has filmed many series.

Losing money, he once owed millions of dollars in debt, and then moved to China to engage in trade work. Eight years later, he finally paid off his debts and returned to performing in front of the stage. He suffered from stomach cancer the year before last. Fortunately, he recovered well after the operation, and experienced ups and downs in life. He still has no regrets and continues to move forward.

17-year-old Liu Chun-Hung joined TVB's eighth artist training class. His classmates include Ai Wei, Chen Anying, Jing Daiyin, Zhou Xiulan, Liu Shaojun and Li Chengchang. His oldest friend is Tong Chun Yip.

His girlfriend Yung Mei Ling was playing together. When he mentioned Yung Mei Ling’s death, he admitted that although decades had passed, he still felt sad every time he thought about it, “I am old friends with Tong Chun Yip. His family lived on Lamma Island, and sometimes he came to live with me in Sheung Shui, and finally we rented a room on Broadcasting Channel. It is undeniable that TVB "The Master of Heaven" is the most popular drama I have ever filmed, because at that time Yung Mei Ling was quite popular. I knew it when they started dating. Although they were all busy at that time, they often met and had dinner together. Happy, I asked if I wanted to accompany her? She said no, she could, because I finished filming the drama that night, and then went to work early the next day. It should be "Xue Rengui Marching East". After filming, I flew to Taiwan. At that time, we often When I went to her broadcast home, I felt that if I went there that night, maybe such a serious incident would not have happened, and I would feel sorry for it. After decades of this, Barbara (Yung Mei Ling) is very cute and a good person.”

The TVB actors of the previous generation are well-known. Liu Chun-Hung said that he had a liver disease in filming for seven days and seven nights. He felt very happy when he slept on tatami mats on the set.

Two Heroes, I was a crazy horse, there were Stephen Chow, Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Ren Dahua in the play, and there were many strong actors in it. At that time, "Bei Dipper Two Heroes" was also very fun, and I played the whole play with Fa Ge crazy; There was "Xue Rengui Zhengdong" filmed with Wan Ziliang. I played Dong Kui. I was so confused in this drama. I tried to fight until I couldn't survive my liver disease. Back then, TVB and Li were at war. Sister A (Wang Mingquan), Uncle Yang Qun and Sister Qin , many seniors are sleeping in the company, so they will not be late. When you are a junior, you will charge 2830 (4:30 in the morning) when you see all the seniors, and then simply sit and wait for the location. How dare you go home and sleep? Big things, at that time I often slept in the company, in Wooden Man Alley, in the first factory, at the bottom of the stairs, in the clothing room, in short, you slept when you squeezed your body in. There were tatami mats in the Jiancheng studio. The tatami is so dirty that you feel very happy, like a very soft bed. Every brother, even Brother Fa, suffers like this. Why can’t you endure it? Of course, many new artists today have never experienced it. The TV station has never experienced the golden age of TV station. The shooting method is day and night. My highest record is to film several episodes at the same time on TVB. I have not slept for seven days and seven nights. Michael Miu fell asleep at Disco."

source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4909787257507364

廖駿雄專訪 : 翁美玲很可愛的,份人挺好的




上一代的無綫演員出名捱得,廖駿雄表示曾連續拍攝七日七夜,拍到有肝病,當年在片場有張榻榻米睡,已經覺得很幸福,「拍了很多套劇,有發哥演的《北斗雙雄》,我做癲馬,戲中還有周星馳、梁朝偉及任達華,都幾多猛人演員在裏面,當時《北斗雙雄》亦很好玩,跟發哥整部戲都玩到瘋了;還有跟萬梓良拍的《薛人貴征東》,我飾演董逵,這個戲打餐懵的,試過捱到頂唔住患肝病,當年TVB和麗的如同打仗,阿姐(汪明荃)、楊群叔及琴姐,很多前輩都在公司睡覺,不會遲到,你做晚輩見到前輩個個都收2830(凌晨四時半),然後外景就索性坐在等,你怎敢回家睡?萬一睡過頭就大件事,那時經常在公司睡,木人巷又睡,一廠又睡,樓梯底又睡,服裝間又睡,總之你擠到身體進去就睡,在堅城片場有榻榻米,其實張榻榻米污糟到飛起,你都覺得很幸福,好像一張很軟綿綿的牀,每個師兄弟,即使發哥都是這樣捱,為何你不能捱?當然今時今日很多新的藝人,未經歷過電視台打仗,未經歷過電視台黃金歲月,日以繼夜的拍攝方法,我最高紀錄在TVB同時拍幾個劇集,我七天七夜沒有睡,我最記得第七天跟呂良偉去香港的Disco Disco,我不用三秒在Disco睡着了。」



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