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Charming Huang Rong
When talking about Huang Rong, it's inevitable to think of Barbara Yung. It can be said that the character of Huang Rong made Barbara Yung incredibly popular. In fact, Yung brought Huang Rong to life, leading to a peak period for the TV series The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Huang Rong, the daughter of 'Eastern Heretic' Huang Yaoshi, is extremely intelligent and perceptive, understanding, yet rebellious by nature. Her love and hate are expressed in extremes, and she is very willful, but she remains deeply in love with Guo Jing. Later, she inherits the Dog Beating Stick technique from Hong Qigong and becomes the leader of the Beggars' Sect.
Barbara Yung was born with a sweet face, shiny black eyes, and a playful expression. With her cleverness and courage, she became a beloved figure wherever she went. Her appearance brought vitality to the story, focusing all attention on her. Was this 'ideal Huang Rong' up to the standard?
At that time, Yung admitted that the psychological pressure was immense, but in the end, she brought Huang Rong to life and received unanimous praise from the audience, becoming the most popular television character. The psychological pressure she experienced gradually diminished, leading her to become deeply attached to the television industry. Even after her tragic passing, she remains unforgettable.
一说到黄蓉,不期然令人 想起翁美玲。可以说,黄蓉使 翁美玲红透半边天。事实上, 阿翁演活了蓉儿,给「射雕英 雄传」带来了一段全盛时期。 黄蓉乃「东邪」黄药师之女,为人冰雪聪明,善解人意,但性强叛逆,爱恨尺度处于极端,极为任性,唯却钟情郭靖,后更得洪七公传以打狗棒,成为丐帮帮主。 翁美玲生就一副甜甜的脸 蛋,乌溜溜的黑眼珠,俏皮的
表情,智勇双全的智谋,是人 见人爱的小故娘,她的出现, 使故事更有生气,焦点全都集 中在她身上,看看这个「理想 黄蓉」是否合标准?
当日,翁美玲亦会承认心理压力很重,但结果出来,翁美玲演活了黄蓉,为所有观众一致赞赏,成为最受欢迎的电视人物,她的各种心理压力便随之减低,使她对电视圈从此眷恋不舍,直至她玉殒香消, 仍是令人难以忘怀!
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