Magazine interview Yung Mei Ling: There is no point in asking! 

Yung Mei Ling said that when you are in love, you should be more romantic because it is fun. A bouquet of flowers and a card represent a piece of heart. but………… 

The first time I met Yung Mei Ling was at the Miss Hong Kong reception last year. At that time, she gave me the impression that she was beautiful, talkative and friendly. 

This time I asked her for an interview and I told her from the beginning that I wanted to talk about career and love. She smiled and said, "Do I have that?" Her smile was still friendly and beautiful. 

Yung Mei Ling believes that her acting skills are still very young and she is constantly exploring and learning. She just hopes that the audience can accept her so that her career as an artist will not be affected. 

She seemed to lack confidence in herself. 

"There is nothing I can do. If the audience doesn't accept it, I won't be able to endure it, but I really tried my best. "The legend of the unknows" has finished on TV, and "The Condor" is still shown. I don't know if my performance will be accepted by others .” 

Yung Mei Ling did not come out of a training class, and she never learned any acting skills when she was a child, let alone martial arts, she was immediately employed by the company to play the a role in The legend of the unknows, which can be said to be a talent test; fortunately, the response of " The legend of the unknows "  was not bad, it can be regarded as a shot in the arm for Yung Mei Ling. 

However, she added: "Playing Huang Rong is a completely different story. The legend of the unknows ' is an ensemble drama, and the character of the unruly princess is very simple, which makes it easier for beginners to master acting; 'The Condor Shooting' | The plot is very focused on the male and female protagonists. Huang Rong has a very diverse personality. In short, I feel that the psychological burden is very heavy."

 "Did the directors, producers, etc. providing guidance?"

 "They did try their best to teach, but they are rushing to perform every day and are in a hurry, so they can't teach much. So I have to explore on my own. I feel that up to now, I still have not invested enough." 

I  then asked her whether playing Huang Rong was a gamble? She nodded repeatedly, because success or failure had a great impact on her. Yung Mei Ling used to study textile design, and now her career is acting. There seems to be little connection between the two. However, she does not think that what she has learned is wasted, because she can usually make all the choices in clothing, fabrics and home decoration. Learn to do your best. 

"If I don't get results in acting, maybe I have to do textile design again!" she said jokingly. But she doesn't really want to give up acting. Instead, she hopes to learn more skills, such as singing, dancing, etc., to help herself become an outstanding artist. 

Okay, let’s talk about love! 

Perhaps girls are always shy. When Yung Mei Ling heard this question, she smiled and said: "There is no point in mentioning the past. As for the future, I have no way of knowing." With a tone of no comment, there was no way but to change it. I asked her what she wants from her boyfriend. 

She pondered for a moment, and then said: "The most important thing is that we have similar interests and we get along well with each other when talking. However, I am very popular, so it shouldn't be difficult to get along with me." 

Yung Mei Ling said that she was already in a relationship at a very young age (presumably beautiful girls will do this), but after moving to the UK, her family did not like her having foreigners as sons-in-law, and she wanted to concentrate on her studies, so after eight years in the UK, there was nothing It can be added to her love history. 

Now that she is back in Hong Kong, what does she think? "I can't know in advance about emotional matters, but when I was young, I felt that career should be my priority. When I get married in the future, if my husband doesn't want me to work, I can give up my career for him.

Some people think sending flowers is very "old-fashioned", but Yung Mei Ling thinks it is "fun". She said, "Between men and women, there is no romance during dating. After marriage, when everything becomes reality, it becomes even less interesting.

Therefore, she believes that a bouquet of flowers and a card represent a heart, and even the "I love you" that many people think is disgusting. She said: "When you need it most, the other person can say this sincerely. The words were of great use to my heart.” 

In fact, maybe every girl likes to hear such things from her boyfriend, but few are willing to tell others candidly like Yung Mei Ling. Therefore, she is beautiful and kind, adding a bit of cheerfulness.

Reporter - Laier -


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- 徠兒 -

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3 years ago
我看的第一部古装剧不是射雕,而是中国大陆拍摄的神话剧西游记,看了很多遍西游记总感觉武打太简单,不够精彩,我经常问我爸西游记唐僧师徒四人谁打妖怪最厉害??我爸被我问得恼火了,骂我真蠢,问的问题真傻,可我还是不死心的继续问。我爸想要我换一换口味,不要一天到晚的问西游记,于是我爸就介绍港剧给我看,我不知道我爸原来还喜爱港剧。我看的第一部港剧也不是射雕,而是周润发的上海滩,上海滩民国剧,镜头前枪林弹雨,子弹横飞,我爱武打,不爱子弹飞的镜头,而且上海滩啰啰嗦嗦的剧情,我根本就看不懂,我爸却很兴奋的跟我说上海滩里演许文强的演员叫周什么的,非常有名,我连这部剧都没看懂,还会去关心演员叫什么吗?我没兴趣认识上海滩里的香港演员叫什么??我想回去继续欣赏西游记,我爸怕我又问西游记谁打妖怪最厉害,于是我爸就对我说介绍另一部港剧给我看,古装武侠剧武打非常精彩,因为家里没电视,我爸也是跑别人家里看的,我爸说这部古装港产剧很容易看懂,叫我慢慢欣赏。我爸陪我一起在别人家看。1988年的夏季,我第一次看到了香港拍摄的古装武侠剧射雕英雄传,我爸说的没错,武打场面实在是太精彩了,比大陆西游记精彩太多了。我看了好几集,郭靖都是在蒙古和华筝缠绵,我很奇怪,这部剧里主题曲画面有一个非常漂亮的女角色为什么迟迟没有出现?我耐心的看,第10集郭靖终于从蒙古回到中原了,射雕英雄传真正的女主角黄蓉登场了,黄蓉真是美艳无比,郭靖还做什么金刀驸马呀?娶黄蓉做老婆吧。1988年到2021年33年了,我每年都会看一遍83年射雕英雄传,我爱翁 美 玲,爱翁 美 玲黄蓉的演绎,没有翁的黄蓉,我也不会爱射雕英雄传。
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