19840107 KungSheungDailyNews

Thanks to Kitty for sending and translating this article.

Yung Mei Ling  (See: Picture) originally planned to go back home to visit her family. However, as she suddenly got a new TV show in which she needed to perform, she had to cancel this trip. As her mother really love this daughter, she made a special trip back to HK from UK to visit Yung Mei Ling. Her mother plans to stay in Hong Kong until after Chinese New Year.

Since returning back to HK, Yung Mei Ling is living freely till now. As she did not have any relative in Hong Kong, her status can be expressed as "No monitoring". Now, her mother returned back to Hong Kong, Yung Mei Ling's "freedom" may be restrained.

Yung Mei Ling said: "Of course, I can’t do things freely now. At least, I need to call my mother to tell het where I am going. In the past, I could go anywhere. Come and go freely. Who can control me?"

Her mother is also back to HK for a family reunion. For Yung Mei Ling this is good, because her mother can be taken a good care of during the day.

Yung Mei Ling said: “When mama is here she will serve me a lot of soup. I do not know how to do the household chore. In normal times, I just rely on the maid service. Now, mama can help me to tidy up all the things.” Her mother stays in HK for few months. Yung Mei Ling hopes she can be a good daughter during this time."

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