19821211 OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle


Title: Yung Mei Ling has arranged time to be with her mother when she comes the 27th to Hong Kong

Yung Mei Ling is now busy with acting in “The Legend of the Unknowns” as the recording of this TV series will end soon. After that she will start in the "Legend of the Condor Heroes". Although Yung Mei Ling is busy all the time, she still is in a good mood. She expressed that she plays in “The Legend of the Unknowns” till mid-night and then she has to be a host in “Woman Today” on the following day. Although she does not have time to sleep, she does not feel tired and can do both jobs. She doesn’t understand why she has so much energy. Yung Mei Ling is usually “Working from morning till night”. "Legend of the Condor Heroes" will start recording soon. If she cannot get used to this working pattern, she won’t be able to take up this new difficult mission. (Playing in "Legend of the Condor Heroes").

Yung Mei Ling’s mother will come from UK to HK on the 27th of this month. Her mother wants to meet her daughter. However, Yung Mei Ling tells that she needs to work during her visit and so she has not much time to accompany with her mother. Even though she needs to work, she will also bring her mother along to the studio so her mother can her acting. Her aim is to spend as much time as possible with her mother. Because her mother will stay in Hong Kong just for two weeks and Yung Mei Ling does not have time to see her mother in the UK.

 (thanks to Kitty for the article and translation)

Newspaper Name: 華僑日報 
Date: 1982年12月11日
19821211 OverseasChineseDailyNewsPage

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