KowloonWomensWelfareClubLiPing 02


On the 4th of November 1984 Yung Meiling and Michael Miu attended a charity market held at Wah Yan College that was next to Kowloon Women's Welfare Association Li Ping Memorial School.

The Kowloon Women's Welfare Association Li Ping Memorial School (Li Ping) in Wylie Road, Homantin, is a primary school and the smallest school in the 34th school net in Kowloon City, occupying only 1,050 cubic metres of land and with only half a basketball court. It was founded in 1960.

source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4765899960360175


The school's Facebook page has a video of Anita Mui sitting in front of the school gate in 1988, sharing her childhood memories.



1984 11 04 article

Headline newspaper article.

A huge crowd at the charity bazaar, artists are in high spirits

Weng Meiling is not required to perform in the show.

She can't find time to rehearse because of the hard work she has to do





現被…無綫昨派出兩劇藝慶」的表演項目,翁美痛。 我忙於拍戲,已難員苗僑偉,翁美玲,劉玲竟說:日前有個助署於抽時間練「十八羅漢嘉玲,龔慈恩,方伊琪對她說,由於十九號台」,「韻律操」,若 果麥加在仁書院舉行的慶日「楚留香」之「慈善斑物會,場面爲之一蝠傳奇」要照常開工,哄動不已。 苗僑偉更以她有可能不須參加「台一身古裝打扮出現,成度」演出。 雖然她未接因我一人排練不夠,而影响整體的合作,就似乎不大好。 故此,對於有無可能參與演「台慶爲羣衆爭相圍觀的目標到正式通知,但她已放」,我自己倒無所謂。 人物。 相比之下,輕便轉晒,不再爲練習而頭! 」翁美玲說。 運動裝的翁美玲是自然得多。 翁美玲一度想不化粧赴會,期望可以混在人湖中,參加一些攤位遊戲。 不過,她最終還是扮到靚才到場,以免被人彈她不美。 被問到現時練「台

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